Monday, June 09, 2008
HEADED ITEM NO. 6 (b) (ii)
Minutes of Transportation Strategic Policy Committee Meeting of
7TH February 2008.
Elected Members: Councillor P. Cosgrave
Councillor A. McGaughey
Councillor C. Keane
Councillor D. Keating
Councillor M. Murphy
Councillor E. Tuffy
Councillor K. Warren
Sectoral Interests:Mr. D. McConn, Dualway Coaches
Mr. J. Farren, Roadstone
Mr. D. Lynch, Community Platform
Ms. D. Quinn, Community Forum
Council Officials: Mr. F. Coffey, Director of Transportation and County Engineer
Mr. D. Ryan, Senior Engineer
Ms. H. Fallon, Senior Executive Engineer
Mr. T. Curtin, Administrative Officer
Ms. N. Fitzgibbon, Senior Staff Officer
Mr. A. Gallagher, QBN Office
Mr. C. DeBurca, QBN Office
An Cathaoirleach, Councillor K. Warren presided.
1. Confirmation of Minutes
Minutes of Transportation Strategic Policy Committee held on 8th November 2007 were confirmed and approved as a true record and signed.
2. Countywide traffic modelling programme.
Ms. H. Fallon, Senior Executive Engineer presented the report. The Committee was informed that the traffic model is very beneficial in terms of the overall road network, however, individual junctions would need further examination.
The model was introduced under the following headings:-
Spatial Overview
* High volume of radial commuters to/from city centre originating in and
outside our county.
* Increased north / south orbital movement (local and through traffic).
Why Produce a Countywide Model
* Allows the Council to analyse and assess existing and proposed road network
and public transport proposals more accurately than the DTO model.
* Allows the Council to assess land use proposals.
* Specific large developments can be modelled to calculate their affect on the
road network.
Development of model
* Forecast year model 2016 had to be developed based on planning guidelines.
* Data collection was carried out including roadside interviews, manual classified counts and automatic counts together with journey time surveys.
* Every junction in the county had to be inputted into the model including
Number of lanes, control, signal data, bus priority etc.
Mr. F Coffey, Director of Transportation informed the Committee that the traffic model used by the D.T.O. is the Saturn Model. This is a strategic model which looks at the overall Dublin area. The OSCADY model examines the geometry at junctions. All available programmes are utilised to maximum effect by the Council.
3. Report on Quality Bus Network.
Mr. C. DeBúrca, Project Manager from the Quality Bus Network Office presented a report on the current status of the Q.B.C. programme and future schemes.
Work Programme
The work programme being implemented comprises the following:-
a) Enhancement of existing QBC’s
b) Construction of new QBC’s
c) Other network improvements such as traffic signal priority.
The programme is being planned with the objective of providing QBC’s in advance of future housing developments with a view to providing attractive public transport alternatives to the private car.
Recent Schemes
Naas Road QBC
South Clondalkin QBC (Nangor Road)
Orbital QBC (Belgard Road/Fonthill Road)
Outer Ring Road QBC (Phases 1 & 2)
Schemes under construction
Outer Ring Road Phase 3 (N7 – N81)
Firhouse Road QBC
Green Route QBC
Newcastle Road (substantially complete)
Schemes at detailed design
Greenhills Road
Naas Road ( Red Cow to Longmile Road)
Firhouse/Ballycullen QBC
South Clondalkin QBC Extension
Removal of pinch points.
2008 Programme
10 Schemes to become operative in 2008
10 Schemes currently under construction
12 Schemes at detailed design/tender stage
6 Schemes at Public Consultation stage
Another 20 schemes at concept/feasibility stage.
Change of car to bus ratio
41% in 1997
59% in 2007
63% in 2011 (forecast)
Key issues for QBC success
1) Provide consistent reliable bus journey times through the provision of the maximum amount of bus priority particularly through the removal of pinch points.
2) Meet requirement for additional and enhanced buses.
3) Increased enforcement using ITS resources to compliment the Gardai
4) Integrated ticketing
5) Real Time Information.
Mr. DeBúrca stated that the underlying feature of the programme is that where possible buses will have free movement without queueing. The programme provides for an additional 250 buses in the coming 2/3 years. With regard to Real Time Information it is proposed to introduce a system whereby the bus will send a signal to the next bus stop indicating the expected time of arrival.
A discussion ensued and it was proposed and AGREED to present the following motion to the next County Council Meeting:-
“This Committee supports the provision and expansion of the QBC Network and requests an adequate number of buses be provided to maintain an appropriate level of service throughout this county.”
4. Park and Ride Scheme at N4 – Leixlip interchange site.
The Committee was informed of the recent decision of An Bord Pleanala to refuse to approve this proposed Park & Ride development.
Mr. F. Coffey stated that the Council are looking closely at this decision and will present a further report to the next meeting of the Committee.
The meeting concluded at 7.10 p.m.
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Councillor K. Warren Date