Tuesday, June 10, 2008
QUESTION: Councillor E. Walsh
"To ask the Manager to request the enforcement section of the Planning Department to use whatever powers available to control and eliminate the clouds of dust that have caused great annoyance to residents in Templemanor?"
Planning Permission subject to Conditions was granted by An Bord Pleanala under Register Reference SD05A/0847 (ABP Ref. PL 06S.215659) on the 16th June 2006 for the following proposed development:
"Demolition of the existing three-storey school building and the construction of 30 number dwellings which are broken down into five blocks A, B, C, D and E all above basement as follows: Block A consists of a three-storey block containing a total of five number apartments as follows, four number three bedroom and one number two bedroom apartment with dormer windows facing north-east and south west. Block B consists of a four-storey block containing seven number apartments consisting of six number two bedroom apartments and onenumber three bedroom apartment which is incorporated within the roof with dormer windows facing north-east and south-west. Block C consists of a four-storey block containing seven number apartments consisting of six number two bedroom apartments and one number three bedroom apartment which is incorporated within the roof with dormer windows facing north-west and south-east. Block D consists of ninenumber three-storey terrace houses consisting of nine number three bedroom houseswith balconies. Block E consists of a four-storey block containing two number four bedroom houses with the fourth floor incorporated within the roof and dormer windows facing north-east and south-west. Basement level consists of 44 number carparking spaces, plant room, attenuation tank, and lift and stairs for access to the courtyard and access to Block E. Ground level consists of seven number car spaces, refuse storage and bicycle storage located to the south-east of the site and covered lift and staircase for access to the basement located in the courtyard, together with an Electricity Supply Board substation facing south-west with pedestrian and vehicular access off Limekiln Farm Road with security gates all with proposed landscaped courtyard, boundary treatment and site development works at Limekiln Farm, rear of Saint Peters Primary School, Greenhills, Dublin."
Complaints were received in the Planning Enforcement Section in April & May 2008 in relation to the depositing of materials from the demolition of the school, noise levels/working hours not being adhered to, and dust/sand being blown into adjoining properties.
In this regard, a Warning Letter pursuant to Section 152 of the Planning & Development Act 2000 issued to the developer on the 14th May 2008 in relation to non-compliance with Condition No. 14 of Planning Permission granted under Register Reference SD05A/0847 and An Bord Pleanála Ref. No. PL 06S.215659 in that, prior to commencement of development, a Construction Management Plan providing details of intended construction practice for the development, including hours of working, noise management measures, off-site disposal of construction/demolition waste and a scheme for dust and dirt control, has not been submitted to the Planning Authority.
The developer may make submissions to the Planning Authority regarding the above not later than four weeks from the date of the service the Warning Letter i.e. 13th June 2008.
The Environmental Health Section have also been requested to investigate the issues raised under Environmental Health Legislation.
The Councillor will be kept informed as matters progress.