south dublin county council crest


Tuesday, June 10, 2008


MOTION: Councillor C. Keane

"That this committee :

(a) Agrees that a pedestrian crossing be erected on Whitechurch Road without delay

(b) That an updated report on my previous motions on this be presented (e.g motion of  2nd May 2006 on this subject (TWO years ago) and at intervals since)

(c) Consultants were appointed to do a report on how best to deal with rural roads, what is the exact position on consultants report as it seems to be taking an inordinate amount of time. What date was given to consultants to report and if to hand what is the result?

(d) It was agreed that a traffic count would be carried out last year, what is the result?

(e) The traffic review at schools (mentioned in 2006 report) has long since been completed? As we are encouraging children to walk to school (an accident occurred on this road recently) what are your proposals to make this happen for the children in Willbrook/Willbrook Lawn/Whitecliffe etc. etc. as this road is treacherous for pedestrians and as I stated previously, urgently needs a pedestrian crossing, as the residents are seriously worried for the safety of their children."


The Consultant’s Report is now in its final stages of preparation and it is anticipated that it will be complete in June/July 2008. The recommendations contained therein will then be presented to the Area Committee Members.

The brief to the Consultants included a comprehensive Safety Review of the Whitechurch Road from the Tuning Fork south to College Lane. The Review includes a condition survey of the existing road, with a view to improving safety, primarily for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians/school children and cyclists. The study involves the collection of data relating to traffic counts, accident statistics, inappropriate speeding, pedestrian/cyclist usage and needs, use by buses and HGVs, cars exiting from driveways, lighting, lining, signing, etc. The report will address traffic management issues using traffic modelling based on recent traffic counts, to investigate provision of traffic calming measures, including a possible combination of ramps, rumble strips, one way systems, cul-de-sac options, traffic lights, pedestrian lights, lining/signing, and appraisal of speed limits, weight restrictions, etc.

The Consultant, as required by the Members, has been advised to be cognisant of the need to ensure that any proposed measures are contained within the existing road alignment, and that the existing rural character of the road be maintained, by ensuring that flora, fauna, hedgerows, trees, streams, and other appropriate features such as protected structures are not interfered with, in so far as this is possible.