south dublin county council crest


Tuesday, May 06, 2008


MOTION: Councillor E. Walsh

"That the Manager arrange a C.P.O. to resolve the unacceptable derelict site at McHughs Shopping Centre St. James Road Greenhills as this site has devalued the properties in the general area and has devalued the quality of life of the whole community and to be arranged as soon as possible."


An inspection was carried out on the 28/03/08 on the site known as the former Greenhills Shopping Centre ( McHugh Management )  by the Council’s Engineer.

At that time the Engineer specified the following measures,

To prevent the site from becoming or continuing to be a derelict site:

 (1)              Repair all wall and fencing

(2)               Gate to be replaced and/or repaired

(3)               Skip to be removed

The site was rechecked on the 10/04/08, and the works specified were carried out. Accordingly, the site is no longer considered derelict.

It should be noted that the procedure to acquire a site under the Derelict Site Act 1990, is a lengthy one. The Council must advertise its intention in a newspaper circulating in the area, and serve notice on the owners. If there are any objections received to the Councils proposal, the matter must be referred to An Board Pleanala. The Board must make a final decision.

The Board is not restricted by time limits on making it’s decision and from previous experience, some cases take up to 18months.

If the Board authorises the acquisition of a derelict site under the act, the Council is liable to pay compensation to the owners.

The compensation is based on the value of the site at time of vesting in the Council. It should be noted that this particular site has a current planning permission for 12 apartments and shops. Accordingly compensation in this case would be considerable, and in view of the Council’s present financial status, acquisition of the site is not considered prudent.

The site at present is not considered derelict, as the owner has carried out the works specified in the engineer’s report, the Council are not in a position to pursue the matter at this time. 

The site will be monitored on a regular basis to ensure it remains in a non derelict condition.