south dublin county council crest


Monday, April 21, 2008


H-I (7)

April/May 2008

Branch Events Date
Castletymon Launch of Litter Awareness Campaign Thursday 24th April at 10am
  Book Club All Welcome Tuesday 29th April at 11am
  Art Exhibition by Yuliya Awobajdi Month of May (TBC)  
  English for Foreign Nationals All Welcome Mondays at 10am  
  Improvers Irish Conversation Class Booking Necessary Tuesdays at 10am  
  Computer Class Booking Necessary Wednesdays from 10am – 12noon  
  Story time for 3-6 year olds All Welcome. Wednesdays at 3.30pm  
  Tour of Library and Storytime Booking necessary. Thursday Mornings  
  Arts and Crafts with Sinead for8 – 12 year olds. Booking Necessary Thursdays at 3.30pm  
  Spanish Conversation Group All Welcome. Fridays at 10am  

  Book Club All Welcome. Tuesday 27th May at 11am

For further information contact 4524888

April/May 2008

Branch Events Date
Tallaght Literature vs. Popular Fiction or taking the snobbery out of Reading.  A lecture by Dr. Paula Murphy. Booking essential on 4149029. Monday 21st April at 8pm
  Dermot Bolger in interview with John Minihan, photographer. Booking essential on 4149029 Monday 21st April at 8pm
  Wizard from Oz – 3 classes Children are part of the show.  Several volunteers come up to help with the reading tricks. This keeps the children excited and interested.  By involving kids in the show you are not preaching to them, you are including them.  Children will see books used in magic tricks that will amaze them.  Books are used in the course of the show for a literal effect.  When your students see things appear and disappear from the pages in a book, the message is quite clear “Reading is Fun”. Wednesday 23rd April at 10.30am
  Mr Book’s Reading is Fun Show –This show is designed to grab the children’s attention and then relate to them the simple message Reading is Fun!  Our artiste, Mr. Book, uses high-energy from his clowning background combined with his experience as a teacher’s assistant, to entertain and educate the children at the same time.    But how can entertainment be educational?  Here are a few examples so you can see for yourself the power of this show:   Excerpts from children’s books are read out as part of a story with each except culminating in a magic trick.   Different books have been chosen to target different age groups so that all of the children should leave being excited about a book and wanting to hear more from it or even to read it themselves. Wednesday 23rd April at 11.45am
  Lunchtime music provided by the Long John Jump Band – Lively entertainment to draw potential customers to the new Library.  One of Ireland’s best love bands will play a selection of Jazz, Blues and Swing – Not to be missed! Wednesday 23rd April at 12.30 – 2pm
  Jack Flash Juggling Show forall ages Wednesday 23rd April at 3.30pm
  Face Painting Fairies & Ladybird Balloon Sculptors 2 of each Wednesday 23rd April at 4pm
  A selection of 5 small pocket books with a flyer inserted will be handed out free of charge to commuters on the Luas at the Tallaght Terminal and at the Kingswood stop.  This is to advertise the re-opening of the new Library as well as to celebrate World Book Day Ø      The Little Book of Dublin by Tom Galvin Ø      A Little Book of Irish Quotations compiled by Sean McMahon, illustrated by Colin Davidson Ø      A Little Book of Celtic Wisdom compiled by Sean McMahon Ø      Irish Legends for Children (Gill & Macmillan) Ø      Great Irish Legends for Children by Yvonne Carroll Wednesday 23rd April 8am - 4pm
  Library promotional stand, manned by library staff will be in the Square Shopping Centre for two days (23rd & 24th) on the second level opposite Jordan’s Shoes near Dunnes Stores.  This is to raise the profile of our service and to advertise the opening of the County Library Wednesday 23rd April from 10am-5pm
  Jane Austen – A lecture by Dr. Darrly Jones Booking essential on 4149029. Monday 28th April at 8pm
  Exhibition World Africa   Monday 19th May - Saturday 24th May 
  Bealtaine Festival Laughter Workshops Did you know that laughing is SERIOUSLY good for your health?? Is 100% INFECTIOUS? Can SAVE YOU MONEY on gym fees and exercise equipment?? Laughter sessions are happening throughout the world on a daily basis by people who realise that; The average child laughs 200-300 times a day The average adult laughs 12-16 times a day! Laughter releases stress and tension, is better for your hips than chocolate and is nature’s pain killer. If you want to get fit, get well, and get happy, come along to one of our Library sessions and join in a laughter session with Laugholigist Anne McDonald and see what an internal jogging session can do for you!! Wednesday 21st May at 11am 
  Bealtaine Festival Evening of Music and Readings with Virginia House Creative Writers Wednesday 28th May from 7.30pm – 8.30pm.

For further information contact 462 0073