Tuesday, April 08, 2008
MOTION: Councillor C. Brophy
"That the Manager outline the Council policy in relation to the locking of parks at night and that the Council develop agreed guidelines to apply to all parks in the Terenure/Rathfarnham area."
The Council’s policy in relation to the locking of parks at night is outlined in the Parks Bye-Laws for ‘The control and regulation of the use of parks, open spaces and recreational playing grounds owned, controlled by, or in the charge of South Dublin County Council’. The Bye-Laws come under Part vii of the Local Government Act 1994.
Section 2 of the Bye-Laws state:
2.1 Parks shall be open on such days and during such hours as may be fixed by the Council from time to time.
2.2 The opening and closing hours will be subject to variation by the Council as circumstances require.
2.3 No unauthorised person shall enter or remain in any part of a park when it is closed.
2.4 Access and Egress shall be gained to and from parks only through the official entrances and authorised access points.
Gates are opened and closed by Parks Rangers or as may be required from time to time by Depot Staff at the following times which coincide with seasonal daylight hours:
10.00am - Opening time all year round
Seasonal closing times:
5.00pm – November, December, January
6.00pm – February, March
7.00pm – April
8.00pm - May
9.00pm – June, July, August
8.00pm – September
7.00pm - October
However, not all entrances to Parks are gated or lockable, some for example in Bancroft, Tymon, Rathfarnham and Dodder Valley Linear Parks consist of anti-cycle or kissing- gates, which are unlockable pedestrian entrances.
Also a number of entrances to for example Bancroft, Tymon and Dodder Valley Linear Parks consist of bollards and or swing barriers, which prevent unauthorised vehicular access while allowing pedestrian access.
In addition, there are also a number of inheritated traditional ‘right of way routes’ for example in Tymon and Rathfarnham Parks where pedestrian access is gained via unlockable anti-cycle/kissing gates which to facilitate well established short cut routes catering for local residents’ access to and from inter alia shops and bus stops.
However, entry to and access through parks and open spaces during hours of darkness when the parks are closed is not encouraged by the Parks Department in the interests of safety. Park users should exercise personal judgement at all times.