Monday, April 14, 2008
MOTION: Councillor E. Tuffy
That the Manager would review the restriction of the works for which grants are approved by SDCC under the Essential Repairs Grant for older people to roof repairs and rewiring, and that he extends the type of work which can be approved to include window replacement and heating in the case of dwellings which are very energy inefficient, and if he will make a report on the matter.
The Essential Repairs Grant Scheme was replaced by the Housing Aid for Older People Scheme on 1st November 2007. The new Scheme,when fully operational, will incorporate the works previously funded by the Council under the Essential Repairs Grant Scheme and those applications processed by the Health Service Executive(HSE) under the Special Housing Aid for the Elderly Scheme . However,the Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government (DOEH&LG) has advised the Council that the HSE will continue to administer the Special Housing Aid for the Elderly Scheme until further notice pending full resolution of all issues pertaining to the transfer of the Scheme to the Council and applicants seeking funding under that scheme should continue to apply directly to the HSE. South Dublin County Council continues to process those applications received under the Essential Repairs Grant Scheme prior to the 1st November 2007. Funding is made available throught the DOEH&LG on the basis that the Local Authority provides a one third contribution from it's own resources. The total amount spent on the Essential Repairs Scheme to the end of 2007 was €1,113,013.00, one third of which was funded from the Council's own resources. Given the relatively small level of funding available each year under the Essential Repair Grant Scheme the Council has to date prioritised the more urgent electrical and roof repairs works. The scheme as operated by the Council provides financial assistance to qualified applicants who require essential electrical rewiring and /or roof repairs ( which includes guttering, facia and soffits ) . The maximum grant available under the Essential Repairs Grant Scheme was set at € 9,530.00. The new Housing Aid for Older People Scheme, once it becomes fully operational, may allow for expansion of the categories of works previously funded by the Council under the Essential Repairs Grant Scheme to include window repairs/ replacement and installation of central heating where such works are considered by the Council to be necessary and subject to the availability of increased funding and staff resources.The maximum grant provided for under the Scheme is €10,500.Further guidance regarding the operation and administration of the Housing Aid for Older People Scheme is awaited from the DOEH&LG.