Tuesday, April 01, 2008
QUESTION: Councillor P. Cosgrave
"To ask the Manager to have the planning department record for preservation the mature trees in the gardens of the two houses on Butterfield road, between the Orchard public house and the new development at Washington lane. When viewed by me on the 13th of the third 2008, there was a large mature tree knocked down in the garden of house 76 Butterfield road?"
On a recent inspection of the site it was noted that there is a large tree up rooted and lying on its side in the western side of the garden of the house at No. 76 Butterfield Avenue. It is unclear from the site visit how the tree was up rooted. It is noted that a development of infill housing has recently been carried out in the adjoining grounds of No. 72 Butterfield Avenue under planning register ref. SD05A/0564.
There are a number of mature trees in the grounds of Numbers 72, 76 and 86, Butterfield Avenue, between the Orchard Public House and the new development at Washington Lane. These trees are generally protected under a specific objective of the South Dublin County Development Plan 2004-2010, as indicated by a symbol shown on the relevant Development Plan Map.
The policy of the council regarding the protection of trees is set out in Policy LHA 9: Trees and Woodlands which states:
It is the policy of the Council that trees, groups of trees or woodlands, which form a significant feature in the landscape, or are important in setting the character of an area, will be preserved wherever possible.
In the implementation of this policy, the Council will consider making Tree Preservation Orders where it appears expedient in the interest of amenity. A number of orders have been made and these are detailed in Chapter 13 of the County Development Plan 2004-2010. In addition, certain trees, groups of trees and woodlands have been identified on the Development Plan Maps. It is intended that these trees be protected and maintained.
A review of the Register of Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) indicated that none of the trees within the subject sites are on the Register.
The statutory procedure for the making of Tree Preservation orders is set out in Section 205 of the planning and Development Act 2000. However it is unclear as to the significance or importance of the trees whether they should be included in the Register of Tree Preservation Orders. A survey of the trees will be carried out to ascertain the significance or importance of these trees prior to a decision being taken to preserve them.