Monday, March 31, 2008
QUESTION: Councillor M. Corr
To ask the Manager to outline what the planning department's assessment is of the viability of the proposed neighbourhood centre at the junction of Beechdale Road and Oldcourt Road and as to whether the re-location of the neighbourhood centre to an alternative site south of the Oldcourt Road has been examined and if so is it intended to include the Creche and Community facility the people of Beechdale were led to believe would be built at the junction of the Oldcourt Road and Beechdale and will he make a statement on the matter?
In the course of preparing for a Local Area Plan for West Oldcourt, it was deemed appropriate to examine the availability and distribution of Local Centre facilities in the area. From a planning viewpoint, it was considered that a site located central to the area to be developed, a short distance from Beechdale would better serve the retail needs of the community to be accommodated in the area. The site at Beechdale was designated in advance of the zoning of significant additional lands at West Oldcourt for residential development. The as yet, undeveloped Local Centre at Beechdale would retain a local centre designation to facilitate a range of potential uses provided for in the County Development Plan, and would be directly linked to the retail centre.
At the Tallaght ACM (2) meeting on 23/10/06 members agreed that a filling station be provided for as part of the new Local Centre within the West Oldcourt Local Area Plan lands. Provision for a filling station in conjunction with the West Oldcourt local centre is more appropriate than provision for a filling station and crèche located side by side in the Beechdale centre.
These proposals will be subject to a statutory public consultation process following the preparation of a draft Local Area Plan for West Oldcourt before being proceeded with further.
The existing planning permission for the Beechdale local centre site was granted to Maplewood Developments on 26/02/2003 for:
Residential development of 290 no. dwellings consisting of 6 no. 4 bed detached houses, 120 no. 3 and 4 bed semi-detached houses, 54 no. 3 and 4 bed terraced houses and 106 no. 2 bed apartments and 4 no. 2 bed apartments over a local centre of 1389m2 including a 229m2 creche, a 154m2 community facility unit with 7 other neighbourhood units along with all associated public open space, site services and infrastructural works, including realignment of Old Court Road and Daletree Road on site of approx. 21 acres located North of Old Court Road and west of Daletree Road with access off Old Court Road and Daletree Road at Ballycullen.
This permission expired on 26th February 2008.