Monday, March 10, 2008
Environment Strategic Policy Committee
Report of Meeting 6th February 2008
In attendance:
Councillor T. McDermott (Chair)
Councillor C. King
Councillor M. Murphy
Councillor E. Maloney
Councillor G. O’Connell
Councillor E. Walsh
Ms. C. Kiernan
P. Poole, Director of Environmental Services
J. Quinlivan, Senior Executive Officer
M.Coleman, Senior Executive Officer
D.Finch, Senior Engineer
L.Magee, Senior Engineer
T.Moyne,Senior Engineer
M.Ni Dhomhnaill, Environmental Awareness Officer
C.Hinch, Assistant Environmental Awareness Officer
P.Moffat, Senior Staff Officer
Apology for inability to attend was received from Mr B. Buckley.
An Cathaoirleach, Councillor T. McDermott presided.
H-I (1) Minutes
The minutes of the Environmental SPC meeting held on 2nd November 2007 were proposed by Cllr. Mc Dermott, seconded by Cllr G. O’Connell and Agreed
H-I (2) Matters Arising
It was noted that there were no matters arising from the minutes.
H-I (3) Presentation on dumping in the Dublin mountains -PURE.
A presentation was given by Mr Ian Davis a representative of PURE, on the issue of dumping in the Dublin/ Wicklow mountains. PURE is a partnership project incorporating the local authorities of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, Wicklow County Council, South Dublin County Council, Dublin City Council, Coillte, the National Parks and Wildlife Service the ESB and a number of non - statutory organisations in a joint endeavour to prevent incidents of illegal dumping in the Dublin/ Wicklow upland regions.
The presentation outlined the various measures taken by PURE to protect the mountains from illegal dumping including the use of CCTV in identifying offenders
Following contributions from Cllr M. Murphy, Cllr G. O’Connell, Cllr E. Walsh and Ms.C. Kiernan Mr Davis answered a number of questions from the members. The Committee members expressed their appreciation of the excellent work being done by PURE.
An Cathaoirleach Cllr. McDermott thanked Mr Davis for his attendance and for his presentation.
H-I (4) Litter Management Plan:
It was agreed to defer discussion on the Draft Litter Management Plan until the next meeting of the Committee in order to give members further opportunity to examine the contents of the document.
H-I (5) Climate Change Submission – Group update
A presentation on climate change was made by Ms. M. NiDhomhnaill, Environmental Awareness Officer. She stated that, as previously agreed, arrangements had been made to meet with CODEMA, the company which had been engaged by Dublin City Council in a similar capacity and to progress the matter from there. A sub-group of the SPC has been established to facilitate progress and a meeting will be arranged between CODEMA and the Sub-Group before the next meeting of the Strategic Policy Committee.
In the meantime an awareness programme has been planned for the SPC members during ECO Week which commences the week beginning 14th April. Arrangements have also been made for members of the Committee to see the film ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ at the UCI Cinema , Tallaght. Details of the date/time etc will be forwarded to the members as soon as possible.
H-I ( 6) Greater Dublin Strategic Drainage Study (GDSDS) SEA – briefing
A report of the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Greater Dublin Strategic Drainage Study (GDSDS) was presented by Mr.T. Moyne, Senior Engineer.
Fingal County Council is the lead authority in this project at a regional level..
It was agreed that a separate joint meeting of the Environment SPCs of all the local authorities involved should be held to consider the Final Environmental Report and SEA Statement.
H-1 (7) Major Water Source Scheme – SEA
A report of the issue of finding a new major water source for the Dublin Region was presented by Mr.T. Moyne Senior Engineer. It was noted that water supplies from a new source will be required to augment existing supplies by 2015/ 2016 in order to avoid the possibility of water shortage in the region.
Following contributions from Cllr T. McDermott, Cllr E.Maloney. Cllr G. O’Connell, Ms. C. Kiernan, Cllr M. Murphy, Mr Moyne replied to the issues raised.
An Cathaoirleach Cllr. T. McDermott thanked Mr Moyne for his detailed presentation.
H-I (8) Any other Business:- Filling of Vacancy
It was noted that Cllr. Colm Brophy had been approved by the Council to replace Cllr Stanley Laing on the Committee.
The meeting concluded at 7pm.