south dublin county council crest


Tuesday, March 04, 2008


QUESTION: Councillor E. Walsh

"To ask the Manager for a report on the Planning Application for 6 Houses at the St. Mels Avenue Greenhills Dublin 12 and to outline the additional information requested and will he make a statement on the issue?"


Planning application SD07A/0995 refers. This application was received on 12/12/2007 from Lansdowne Franc's Properties Ltd. for the following development at St. Mel's Avenue, Greenhills, Dublin 12:

Proposed Development: 6 no. 3 bedroom, two storey terraced houses with access from St. Mel's Avenue along with all other ancillary site development works and boundary treatments.

On 12/02/2008 the Council requested additional information as follows:

1.       Having regard to the established pattern of development of development in the area, it is considered that the proposed dwellings would not be in keeping with the area. Therefore the applicant is requested to submit revised drawings incorporating the following changes:

(a) Reducing the bulk of the row of dwellings by separating them into two separate blocks. This may require a reduction in number of dwellings from 6 to 5 to allow for adequate separation distance and sufficient provision of private open space. It should be noted that the Planning Authority has concerns about the amount of private open space proposed for House no. 1.

2.       The dwellings located along Glendoo Close on the western boundary of the proposed development, have pedestrian access gates that open onto the subject site. This, however, has not been indicated on the submitted site layout plan and it appears that the proposed rear boundary wall will be constructed up to this point. The applicant is requested to address this issue.

3.       (a) The applicant is requested to submit a revised detailed Landscape Plan with full works specification.  This plan to include detailed specifications relating to paths, drainage, boundary treatment, planting, hard surfaces and street trees planting where necessary.   Detailed sections and elevation of the open spaces to be provided indicating changes in levels, planting, hard surfaces and irrigation systems.  Details regarding the type, size, location and number of plants proposed should be clearly indicated on a Planting Plan to accompany the Landscape Master Plan.

(b) The applicant should submit details for the future management and maintenance of all area of open space within the proposed development.

4.       Applicant is requested to submit a letter of consent from the owner of the private foul drain located in the laneway given written permission consenting to the proposed connection

The applicant is required to comply with the request for further information within 6 months of the date of the request.