Monday, March 10, 2008
Arts, Culture, Gaeilge, Education and Libraries Strategic Committee
Report of Arts, Culture, An Gaeilge, Education & Libraries
Cllr J Hannon
Cllr G O’Connell P Smith, Director of Community Services
Cllr S. O’Conchuir B. Coman, Senior Executive Officer
Cllr C Keane A Nic Dhonnacha Irish Officer
Cllr J Neville Ian Stobbart, County Librarian
Cllr T McDermott Orla Scannell, Arts Officer
Cllr C Jones
Cllr J Lahart
Cllr A McGaughey
B Bollard
J Fay
A Fitzpatrick
Cllr M Ardagh
An Cathaoirleach Cllr. J. Hannon presided.
1. Minutes of meeting of 3rd December 2007 - Proposed by Cllr J. Neville and seconded by Cllr T McDermott and agreed.
2. Matters Arising – Agreed that any matters arising were on agenda for the meeting.
3. Arts Centre – Update and Committee Nominations to Board
A presentation on progress and the setting up of the Limited Company by Guarantee was given by Orla Scannell Arts Officer.
Following a debate on a number of relative matters to which Cllrs J. Lahart, J. Hannon, G. O’Connell, C. Keane, J. Neville, T McDermott, S. O’Conchuir , B. Bollard and J. Fay contributed, the presentation was welcomed and noted and all queries raised were responded to by O. Scannell and B Coman.
It was agreed to place on the agenda for the next meeting the nominations to the Arts Centre company from members of the Strategic Policy Committee.
Noted that the County Manager’s nominees to the Company Board are Eddie Conroy, County Architect and Teresa Walsh ,SEO of HR.
3. Arts - In Context
Orla Scannell, Arts Officer, presented a report to the Committee on the progress and work of the Artists selected under the IN CONTEXT 3 Programme and mentioned particularly the Satellite Exhibition highlighting the Artists work to date.
Following a debate to which Cllrs G. O’Connell, C. Keane, and B. Bollard contributed this ambitious and pro-active internationally renowned programme was welcomed.
4. Libraries Update
Ian Stobbart County Librarian presented an update on progress on the new County Library and new initiatives that have been introduced since the last meeting of the Committee eg Marketline, Tumblebooks and “Ask about Ireland”. The presentation covered the themes of Events, Reader Development and Website update.
Following a debate to which Cllrs G. O’Connell, A. McGaughey ,C Keane and J Fay contributed, the work of the Libraries was praised. Cllr O’Connell also referred to the matter of Library provision at Palmerstown and North Clondalkin.
5 Irish Language Scheme 2006-2009
Aoileann Nic Dhonnacha Irish Officer presented a report on the Irish Language Scheme 2006-2009. Following a debate to which Cllrs C Keane and G O’Connell contributed the report was noted.
It was also agreed to investigate the possibility of holding a national Irish Language Conference in South Dublin County promoted by the Strategic Policy Committee and that a report be brought to the next meeting on the practicalities of arranging such a conference.
It was agreed to set up a sub-committee to report at next meeting and it was agreed that Cllr C Keane, G O’Connell and B Bollard and A NI Dhonnacha be nominated to this sub – committee.
6 A.O.B.
It was agreed to put on the next meeting agenda The Farmers Market update.
Right to Read Campaign item not dealt with at this meeting will be again placed on the agenda for next meeting.
The meeting then ended at 7.00 pm