south dublin county council crest


Monday, February 11, 2008


MOTION: Councillor D. Keating

That the Manager will present a detailed report for discussion on how South Dublin County Council can support The Forgotten Irish Emigrants, including consultations with the Department of Foreign Affairs.


The Council's housing stock includes 740 one-bedroom units, which have generally been allocated to elderly/single persons.  A further 58 one bedroom units have been provided by Voluntary Housing Associations and are allocated on a similar basis.

The Council is currently developing the following sheltered housing projects in conjunction with Housing Assocations/developers:

Location Housing Association Proposed Units Current Position
Whitestown Way Fold Housing Association 35 These units are due for completion in February 2008 and will be managed by Fold Housing Association (Ireland) limited.
Former Eircom Training Centre,Wainsfort Road, Terenure To be determined 51 There are proposals for the provision of 51 units of sheltered accommodation for the elderly at the site of the former Eircom Training Centre, Wainsfort Road, Terenure. Part V agreement has been reached between the developer and the Council. It is likely that the units will be managed on behalf of the Council by a Voluntary Housing Association with the relevant expertise required to manage such a facility.  These units are scheduled for completion mid 2009.  

Other opportunities for the provision of sheltered accommodation will be advanced as proposals are considered at pre planning discussion stage and as projects are presented to the Council by housing associations.

A draft  'Financial Contribution Scheme' similar to that operated by Dublin City Council, is currently under consideration.  The draft scheme provides for senior citizens owning dwellings within South Dublin County Council's administrative area  excessive to their current housing needs, to  apply to the Council to purchase their home on condition that a percentage of the proceeds of the sale be paid to the Council in return for a life long tenancy of sheltered accommodation.  A report will be presented to the Elected Members in the first quarter of 2008.  It is envisaged that such a scheme would provide an important mechanism for sourcing family type houses for letting by the Council while reducing the significant number of under occupied dwellings in the County.

The Council will also continue to promote the improved use of its own rented housing stock through facilitating, where possible, existing elderly Council tenants wishing to surrender larger units of accommodation in return for housing in smaller units of accommodation more suited to their needs.

The terms of the Capital Assistance Scheme for voluntary housing projects funded by the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government through the local authorities allow for up to 25% of the accommodation in a project being allocated to elderly emigrants returning to this country from abroad who satisfy the required eligibility criteria.  DoEHLG Circular VHU 2/02 refers.  The Safe Home Programme operating under the auspices of the Department of Foreign Affairs provides a co-ordinating role for emigrants wishing to return to their native counties in Ireland.   Contact has been made by the Council's Housing Department with the Development Officer of the Safe Home Programme with a view to establishing the demand for accommodation of this nature within administrative area of South Dublin County Council.