Monday, February 11, 2008
QUESTION: Councillor T. McDermott
To ask the Manager to explain in detail the process in South Dublin for establishing priority in the allocation of Public Housing, including the allocation of "emergency housing", and to explain how applicants can establish their relative position on the "housing list" and an estimate of the probable elapsed time before a house will be allocated to them.
The Council's Scheme of Letting Priorities provides the means of determining the order of priority to be afforded in the letting of Council dwellings to persons whose need for accommodation has already been established by the Council through their inclusion on the Council's Housing List.
The current Scheme was approved by the Minister on 20th December 2006. Housing applicants are considered on 'Time on the List' basis which is based on date of application. Applicants who applied under the previous Scheme of Letting Priorities will retain order of priority granted under the previous scheme with all subsequent applications made under the operation of this Scheme being added to the list in order of date of application
In certain circumstances, overall priority may be given to applicants that satisfy the following criteria. Priority will be granted in the order shown and subject to the availability of suitable accommodation at the time:
(i) Families or persons living in dangerous premises on whom a requisition under Section 3 (9) of the Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1964 has been served.
(ii) Displacement (resulting from acts of the Local Authority).
(iii) Families or persons rendered homeless through no fault of their own. A person shall be regarded by a housing authority as being homeless for the purposes of this Act if:
(a) there is no accommodation available which, in the opinion of the authority, he/she, together with any other person who normally resides with him/her or who might reasonably be expected to reside with him/her, can reasonably occupy or remain in occupation of, or
(b) he/she is living in a hospital, County home, night shelter, or other such institution and is so living because he/she has no accommodation of the kind referred to in paragraph (a), and he/she, in the opinion of the authority, unable to provide accommodation from his/her own resources.
(iv) Families or persons evicted through no fault of their own on foot of a Court Order who are not in a financial position to provide their own housing.
(v) Exceptional medical/compassionate grounds.
(i) Persons aged 55 or over
Applicants with overall priority will be given priority over other applicants in the letting of available accommodation in the order of priority indicated above.
Where priority for housing accommodation is claimed on grounds consisting of or including medical grounds, regard shall be had to the report of the Council’s Medical Advisors.
The allocation of emergency accommodation is administered by the Homeless Persons Unit in conjunction with South Dublin County Council. Applicants who find themselves in need of this type of accommodation must present to the Homeless Persons Unit who will arrange accommodation. They then must contact South Dublin County Council where their homeless situation will be assessed.
The Housing List is 'live'. Applicants can view their position on the Housing List via the website using their individual Reference and PIN number which is issued to the applicant on approval of their application. Alternatively, applicants can contact Allocations Section by phone or call to Customer Care. In June 2007 South Dublin County Council compiled the current Housing List and notified all applicants in writing of their position. It is envisaged to produce the next Housing List in June 2008 and duly notify applicants.
Applicants will be waiting 3 years on average before offer of accommodation.