south dublin county council crest


Monday, January 28, 2008


Planning Files

A. Large applications under consideration

SD07A/0276 Reg. Date: 10-Dec-2007 Applicant’s Name: Shillelagh Quarries Ltd., Submission Type: Additional Information         Location: Aghfarrell Townland, Brittas, Co Dublin Proposed Development: (a) Continuance of use of the existing quarry on lands that have been used for this purpose since before 1st October 1964 on a site registered under Section 261 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (Quarry Reference SDQU05A/1);   (b) all existing ancillary facilities including the existing processing plant (crushing and screening plant), overburden storage areas, stockpile areas, water management system and the truck/vehicle parking area;   (c) extension of the existing quarry extraction area by 4.2 hectares, within the registered area, to give a total extraction area of 15.5 hectares within an overall application area of 28.1 hectares;   (d) provision of a wheelwash and hydrocarbon interceptor;  (e)  landscaping and final restoration of the site.  This application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement. Decision Due on or before: 01-Feb-2008  
SD07A/0990 Reg. Date: 12-Dec-2007 Applicant’s Name: Tabmaz Partnership Submission Type: New Application         Location: Former Gallagher's site at junction of Airton Road and Greenhills Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Proposed Development: (a) Demolition of 3 existing buildings consisting of a single storey factory/warehouse unit, a single storey office block with canteen and a two-storey office block;  (b) construction of Block A consisting of three single storey retail warehouse units and an external garden centre - gross internal floor areas are as follows: Unit 1 - 3354sq.m., Unit 2 - 1543sq.m., Unit 3 - 1525sq.m. and garden centre - 952sq.m;  (c) construction of Block consisting of two single storey car showrooms, security office and bin store:  gross internal floor areas are as follows: Showroom 1 - 1316sq.m., showroom 2 - 934sq.m., security office - 26sq.m., bin store - 40sq.m;  (d) construction of a separate ESB sub-station and switch room - 32sq.m;  (e) construction of car parking providing 229 public parking spaces (including 11 disabled spaces);  (f) construction of external car showroom display parking areas - 877sq.m;  (g)  the moving/de-canting of an existing vehicular entrance on Airton Road and the construction of an additional vehicular entrance on Greenhills Road;  (h) the construction of 2 free-standing totem signs and associated building signage;  (i) associated landscaping and low level stone wall to the boundaries fronting Airton Road and Greenhills Road. Decision Due on or before: 14-Feb-2008  
SD07A/1000 Reg. Date: 13-Dec-2007 Applicant’s Name: Vanda Land Developments Limited Submission Type: New Application         Location: Site 528, Greenogue Industrial Estate, Rathcoole, Co Dublin Proposed Development: Warehousing / light industrial development comprising 4 no. blocks as follows: Block A, 8 no units (11.0m high) totaling 2328m2 including 248m2 of integrated ancillary office and staff facilities on ground floor and 248m2 of mezzanine storage. Block B, 14 no units ( 11.0 m high) totaling 4088m2 including 434 m2 of integrated ancillary office and staff facilities on ground floor and 434m2 of mezzanine storage . Block C, 18 no units (11.0m high) totaling 2376m2 including 126m2 of staff facilities on ground floor. Block D, 3 no units (11.0m high) totaling 2401m2 including 306m2 of integrated ancillary office and staff facilities on two floors,  together with access roads, services ultilities, boundary fences, landscaping, planting, paving, parking, ESB substations and all associated site development works.   Decision Due on or before: 15-Feb-2008  
SD07A/1020 Reg. Date: 19-Dec-2007 Applicant’s Name: Glencullen Motor Properties Ltd. Submission Type: New Application         Location: Site 1B, Former APW Premises, Airton Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Proposed Development: Self contained motor dealership comprising of a car showroom, workshop and parts storage, staff facilities, open plan offices, detached valet structure, open car display, car parking above and below ground level, vehicular entry into main carparking area and vehicular entry to staff car parking/workshop area, external paving and landscaping and associated signage. Decision Due on or before: 21-Feb-2008  
SD07A/1046 Reg. Date: 21-Dec-2007 Applicant’s Name: Mr. Robin & Mr. Gerard McNaughton, Submission Type: New Application         Location: Ballymount Road Lower, Dublin 12 Proposed Development: Construction of a single storey extension of a warehouse (2,810 sq. m gross floor area) to the rear of existing industrial warehouse, replacement of the existing signage to the front of the building, removal of the existing staff entrance gate and replacement with a new goods entrance gate at the southeast boundary.  The site works will include: lowering level of the site to the loading area to the side of the proposed building (approx. 1.3 m), and the provision of asssociated ramps and loading platform, the rearrangement of parking layout including of additional 29 car parking spaces and provision of surface water drainage to the newly developed area.  The proposed structure water drainage to the newly developed area.  The proposed structure will rise to an overall height of approx. 12.5 m. from the existing ground level. Decision Due on or before: 22-Feb-2008  
SD07A/1058 Reg. Date: 21-Dec-2007 Applicant’s Name: P. Elliot & Co. Ltd. Submission Type: New Application         Location: E1, E2, E3 Ballymount Industrial Estate, Ballymount Drive, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 Proposed Development: Redevelopment of a light industrial building which was previously subdivided into two units totalling 1199 sq. m.  Construction of a new building on the site of Unit No.1 to provide 679 sq. m. approximately of warehouse area over one storey and 565 sq. m. approximately of associated office area over two storeys.  Units No 1 and No 2 (E1) will be connected internally so that they amalgamate to form one single unit on the site totalling 2710 sq. m. approximately.  The proposed redevelopment will include hard and soft landscaping, drainage works, signage and other associated works. Decision Due on or before: 22-Feb-2008  
SD07A/1060 Reg. Date: 21-Dec-2007 Applicant’s Name: Alan Hanly Submission Type: New Application         Location: Fortunestown Lane, Cooldown Commons, Dublin 24. Proposed Development: 122 dwellings, creche and associated landscaping, roads and services works comprising:  (i) 82 units in block J, a 4-5 storey apartment block to the east of the overall site, comprising 17 no. 1 bed units (ranging in size from approx. 50.5sq.m. to approx. 58.8sq.m. gross floor area); 58 no. 2 bed units (ranging in size from approx. 79.1sq.m. to approx. 88.7sq.m. gross floor area); and 7 no. 2 bed duplex units (ranging in size from approx. 91.4sq.m. to approx. 100sq.m. gross floor area).  (ii) 40 no. 2 storey 3 bed houses (approx. 92sq.m. gross floor area each) in a mix of semi detached and terraced format.  (iii) A two storey creche of approx. 187.6sq.m. (gross floor area), with an external play area to the rear of the creche located to the north west of the overall lands.  The development will also include the provision of associated car parking of 207 spaces comprising 123 spaces at basement (below Block J) and 84 car parking spaces at grade to the front of Block K.  The development will also include the construction of a roundabout already permitted under Reg. Ref. SD05A/0262 and associated north eastern arm linking to existing Distributor Road at east of site linking to Citywest Road (N82), landscaping including public park and boundary works and all ancillary site works including internal road network. Decision Due on or before: 22-Feb-2008  
SD08A/0018 Reg. Date: 10-Jan-2008 Applicant’s Name: Niall O'Farrell Submission Type: New Application         Location: Ballymount Business Park, Ballymount Road Upper, Ballymount, Dublin 12. Proposed Development: Part 4/part 5 storey building (5 storey overall) to provide a gross total floorspace of c.7,220sq..m. of office based industry in 2 no. units (Unit 1 of c.2,955sq.m. GFA and Unit 2 of c.3,085sq.m. GFA).  The scheme provides for a roof terrace at fourth floor level on the southern elevation; a pedestrian bridge from the southern side of the proposed building at first floor level to the adjoining footpath on the M50/Calmount Road junction to the south west: 129 no  car spaces at grade level, 92 no. bicycle parking spaces, bin store, switch room, gas room, and all associated landscaping, boundary treatment and site development works.  The vehicular entrance to the site will be from the internal access road in Ballymount Business Park which is accessed off Ballymount Road Upper.  All on a site of c.0.77 hectares bounded by the grounds of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals to the north; internal access road and 'Fashion City' to the east; the Ballymount Interchange and M50 sliproad to the south and south west; and Calmount Rod to the west. Decision Due on or before: 05-Mar-2008