Friday, February 01, 2008
QUESTION: Councillor P. Rabbitte, TD
That the Garda authorities be asked to report on the policing provision for West Tallaght; to describe the problems of policing the area; if it can be detailed in terms of Garda manpower allocated to the area; how many community Gardai covering which shifts are allocated to which areas; if Garda Diversion Programmes are engaged in locally; what is the assessment of the drugs problem in the area and how has that problem changed in recent years; if there are any plans to provide a local neighbourhood station in the area and if the Garda authorities will indicate how policing in the area might be improve.
Garda Manpower Allocated to the Area:
West Tallaght consists of 4 parishes, namely, Killinarden, Fettercairn, Jobstown, and Brookfield/Fortunestown Parishes. All members attached to Tallaght Garda Station are proactive in policing West Tallaght. These members include the District Detective Unit, Drugs Unit, SRU, Regular Units and Community Policing Unit. Other patrols are carried out daily by the Crime Task Force, Anvil and Burglary Patrols, and Public Order Patrols. Public order, burglary, etc hotspots are nominated on a weekly basis and targeted accordingly. These patrols consist of mobile and foot patrols which are carried out in both uniform and plain clothes. In addition there are 6 mountain bicycles attached to Tallaght Garda Station which are used on a daily basis. These are utilised by members from Community Policing and the regular units. There are 3 Juvenile Liaison Officers allocated to West Tallaght, who work closely with all members in identifying children/families at risk, etc.
Community Garda Numbers and Hours:
There are 2 Sergeants and 22 Gardai assigned to Community Policing in Tallaght. There are 2 specific Gardai attached to each of the 4 parishes in West Tallaght. These members carry out their duties mainly on mountain bikes. These members liaise closely with the schools, businesses, Churches, Community Centres, and other community groups in the area. These members liaise closely with other members in the station and forward reports highlighting any concerns residents/groups in West Tallaght may have. These concerns are then tackled by all members. Community Gardai operate Garda Clinics in Fettercairn, Jobstown and Killinarden for 1 hour per week. These clinics are held in conjunction with the Anti Social Behaviour Unit in South Dublin County Council.
Community Gardai work the following shifts: (l0am - 6pm) and (6pm — 2am). There are 2 units who work opposite each other, hence providing cover in each of the parishes on a regular basis.
There are procedures in place to recruit 2 new members to the Community Policing Unit in Tallaght.
Problems Encountered Policing the Area:
The population of Tallaght has increased hugely in the last 6 years. There are a large number of ethnic minorities now residing in West Tallaght. They reside in private rented, council and support housing. Initiatives have been set up to liaise with ethnic groups in West Tallaght to increase liaison between An Garda Siochana and these groups. Links have been established with a number of ethnic groups. These links have been established through schools, residents associations, established ethnic community groups, etc. There is a lack of intelligence available in relation to some of these persons. There are sometimes language barriers encountered. Members of ethnic minority groups have been encouraged to report any racist incidents.
A difficulty has been encountered establishing links with people originally from Eastern Europe; Lithuania, Poland, Russia, etc. These groups appear to be male dominated with few women and children here. They are harder to engage with.
There appears to be an increase in the number of complaints in relation to anti-social behaviour in West Tallaght. There are concerns regarding the increased use of scramblers and mopeds in the green areas in West Tallaght by youths. This is widespread across the 4 parishes. Initiatives have been set up to combat same by utilising traffic motor bikes, an off-road and un-marked Garda motorcycle, mountain bikes and beat patrols. These initiatives have proved successful. However, whilst Gardai continuously seize these bikes, youths continue to replace them. It may be worth considering the establishment of a
specific scrambler track in West Tallaght. This may discourage young people from the area from driving on public thoroughfares, and endangering and causing annoyance to others.
Garda Youth Diversion Projects in the Area:
There are 5 Garda Youth Diversion Projects in Tallaght, 4 of which are in West Tallaght:
1. KEY Garda Youth Diversion Project, Killinarden;
2. KEY Garda Youth Diversion Project, Fettercairn;
3. JAY Garda Youth Diversion Project, Jobstown;
4. Brookfield Garda Youth Diversion Project — Currently being established;
These projects are co-ordinated by Tallaght Youth Service. The projects are targeting approximately 50 youths in each of the parishes between the ages of 14 and 18. The vast majority of these youths have come to Garda attention before. The Community Gardai and the JLO are on the referral committee for admitting youths to the GYDP.
Drug Problems in West Tallaght and how it has changed in recent years:
In line with other Districts in the country, Tallaght Drugs Unit have had an increase in seizures during 2007. These seizures included cannabis, cocaine, heroin, and crack cocaine. During 2007 563 seizures were made in Tallaght Sub-District for possession of Drugs for personal use. This represented an increase 66.5% on the 2006 figure of 338. Significantly in 2007 145 persons were apprehended for possession of Drugs for Sale and Supply in Tallaght Sub-District. This represents an increase of 107% on the 2006 figure of 70.
The total value of same came to approximately €6,257,718. Whilst these drugs were seized throughout the whole Sub District, a large quantity was seized in, or en route to, West Tallaght. Heroin, Cannabis and Cocaine are the most popular drugs in this area. 15 persons from West Tallaght were arrested during Operation Fossil in 2007. This was an Operation set up to capture street dealers. The Drug Unit work in unison with other members in the station in collating information, and carrying out searches under the Misuse of Drugs Act. The most prevalent change recently in relation to the Misuse of Drugs revolves around some ethnic minorities residing in Tallaght. Persons of ethnic origin are being arrested and charged with drugs offences. This is becoming more and more apparent. Efforts are being increased to cultivate information in relation to these individuals and their involvement in the sale and supply of controlled drugs.
There are currently procedures in place to recruit 2 new members to the Tallaght Drug Unit.
Neighbourhood Station in the Area
Regarding the provision of aNeighbourhood Station in West Tallaght, there arc no plans in the foreseeable future to have same established. The Garda Clinics are based in the local
communities on a weekly basis. As stated previously there are 3 such clinics in Fettercairn, Jobstown, and Killinarden. A Garda Clinic was set up in the Old Brookfield Community Centre. This was on a trial basis with SDCC. Residents failed to utilise same and it has been cancelled until further notice. It is anticipated it will be set up again in the new Brookfield Community Centre once this is up and running. Consideration is also being given to setting up a Garda Clinic in the Drop-In Centre in Tallaght Village which is utilised by members of ethnic origin.
How Policing in the West Tallaght might be improved:
At present, Gardai at Tallaght liaise with a large number of outside agencies, including SDCC, the 2 Hospitals, the HSE, Home School Liaison Officers, Schools, Community Groups, Estate Management Groups, Dublin Bus, LUAS, etc. Inter-agency initiatives are being set up to assist in tackling anti social behaviour, drugs problems, youth crimes and other issues that affect the community. Representatives from West Tallaght are on the Dublin Bus Forum which meets on a monthly basis to discuss problems on Dublin bus. This forum is chaired by the Gardai.
Community Gardai are proactive in linking in with the new residents in West Tallaght and have been endeavouring to set up Neighbourhood Watch Schemes in some of the areas. They have given talks to Focus Ireland residents who took up residence in Deerpark Estate. They have given talks to all new SDCC occupants in relation to their obligations regarding anti social behaviour.
Policing in West Tallaght might be improved by;
Tallaght CCTV Schemes
In January 2008, 35 locations around Tallaght town centre have been identified for the location of a new CCTV scheme. This CCTV scheme will assist greatly in the prevention and detection of public disorder, theft and traffic offences in Tallaght village. These cameras will be monitored from a high-tech control room in Tallaght Garda Station. It is anticipated that this scheme will be operational in early 2008. A similar scheme in West Tallaght is anticipated in the future and will also assist greatly in the provision of a police service to residents of that area.
Chief Superintendent John Manley