south dublin county council crest


Monday, November 12, 2007

HEADED ITEM NO. 2(e)(ii)

e) Lucan/Clondalkin Area Committee (1) - 16th October, 2007

Dealing with Roads ( 1 Report - Proposed Extinguishment of Right of Way at Rear 29 - 35 Dunawley Road) Planning (1 report - Design Brief - SIAC Lands), Development, and Corporate Services

Planning Report

The following report on the design brief for the SIAC lands at Monastery road Clondalkin, in accordance with Development Plan Specific Local Objective No.45 was presented to the October meeting of the Lucan/ Clondalkin Area Committee. Following discussion and amendment the Area Committee recommended the adoption of this design brief.

‘This design brief has been prepared for the development of the SIAC lands at Monastery road Clondalkin in accordance with Specific Local Zoning Objective (SLO) no.45. SLO no.45 states:

‘No residential development or works related to such development shall be constructed on the lands at Monastery Road until such time as the fly-over bridge to the LUAS Red Cow Depot is constructed. The following mixed uses to be permitted in principle: Community Facility, Crèche, Enterprise Centre, Health Centre, Offices in excess of 100sq.m, Recreational Facility and

Shop-neighborhood. The site to be subject to a site development brief to be agreed with Members prior to any development taking place.”

This design brief sets out the essential parameters for the development of the SIAC lands at Monastery road Clondalkin which will include a phased development, with a mixed use scheme to the east of the existing SIAC building as the initial phase and further phases to the east and south of the site.

Development of the site will have a plot ratio range of between 1.25- 1.5. Building height along Monastery road will match that of the existing structure on site with up to five storey development within the site, taking advantage of the changes in ground level. It is envisaged that the development of the site will result in 350-400 dwelling units. Vehicular access will be initially from the Monastery road.

The design brief meets with Development Plan objectives and does not negate the requirement for the planning permission to be obtained for development on this site.’

Following discussion with the Lucan/ Clondalkin Area Committee, it was agreed to include the requirement that any future bus stop provision shall be to the east of the site.