Thursday, November 15, 2007
Report from Anti Social Behaviour Sub-Committee
A sub-comittee of Housing and Strategic Policy Committee has been estbalished for the purpose of reviewing the Anti-Social Policy adopted by the Members in February 2005, aimed at building on the UK experience of Manchester City Council in dealing with anti-social behaviour with a particular focus on inter-agency co-operation, enforocement powers, victim focus, perpetrators rights and PR campaign. The sub-committee comprises of 3 members, Cllr. Marie Corr, Cllr. Cathal King and Ms. BettyTyrrell-Collard (representing Trade Union interest).
The inaugural meeting of the committee was held on the 23rd October 2007. The meeting was attended by Cllrs. Corr and King. It was agreed that the business of the sub-group be conducted over an initial 3-month period October to December 2007, to be reviewed in context of progress on business of the Committee.
An overview of the four core principles of the current policy was outlined, prevention; enforcement; support; rehabilitation. Examples of some initiatives since the adoption of the 2005 Anti Social Behaviour Policy were outlined to the Committee:
Family Support System :
This service is targetted at families who are at risk of losing their tenancies because of anti-social behaviour. The Council's Welflare Team develops a preventativeplan to create conditions for the sustainment of the tenancy and to protect the community in which the tenant lives from anti social behaviour. The plan is developed by the Council's Housing Welfare Team in consultation with all family support agencies, to ensure support services are bound together in a complimentary and integrated way. Familes participating in this welfare plan are required to sign a Behavioiural Contract Agreement requiring them to adhere to the terms and conditions of the plan. Breach of the Behavioural Contract can result in loss of their tenancy.
Family Functional Therapy
This pilot project is being introduced by the Clondalkin Partnership and to which this Council has nomination rights for 40 families. This system was developed by James Alexander in Holland. It is aimed at children between the ages of 11 and 17. The programme functions as both a preventative and intervention mechanism and as such has the capacity to address both those at risk of developing problem behaviour and those experiencing behaviour difficulties at the present time.
These initiatives were developed following a fact-finding visit to Manchester City Council.
It was noted that while there is growing confidence in SDCC's ability to deal effectively with anti-social behaviour it could only to do so where the incident is reported. In the context of the review of the current policy, it was acknowledged that one of the core challenges for SDCC is the creation of an environment where the public are willing to come forward in reporting anti social behaviour secure in the knowleldge that their anonymity is protected . To this end SDCC is committed to launching an agressive PR compaign encouraging members of the public to be proactive in reporting incidents of anti-social behaviour in their communities.
In the context of enforcement powers of local authorities in Ireland for dealing with anti-social behaviour, it was noted that an update and consolidation of Irish housing legislation is needed. Currently the power is still operated primarily under the Housing Act l966 and the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act l997.
Int the context of the review, the Council's policy in relation to the vetting of prospective tenants with established Resident Groups was outlined. The meeting was informemd that a list of all prospective tenants was checked with the Gardai and that where there is a representative group of residents, South Dublin CountyCouncil consults with such groups in the allocation of houses within Council housing estates. There was considerable discussion about the importance of design/layout of Council housing estates in preventing anti-social behaviour and avoidance of anti-social blackspots through provision of adequate public lighting, on-street carparking, recreational/play areas and control of common areas (apartment blocks).
The incidence of anti-social behaviour in private rented property was also discussed. Concern was raised over tenants involved in anti-social behaviour securing accommodation in the private rented sector.. It was agreed a representative from the Rental Accommodation Scheme will be invited to the next meeting of the sub-committee.
It was agreed information in relation to the Garda Diversion Programme would be presented to the next meeting
It was agreed an on site meeting would be convened to examine play areas at the MacUilliam development in Fortunestown.