Thursday, November 15, 2007
Housing Adaptation Grant Scheme
The Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government have introduced Revised Housing Adaptation Grant schemes for Older people and people with a Disability which will replace the existing Disabled Persons Grant & Essential Repairs Grant Schemes with effect from 01/11/07.
Applications for Disabled Persons Grant & Essential Repairs Grant Schemes received prior to 31/10/07 will continue to be processed under the conditions of those schemes however *applicants may decide to withdraw their existing application and re-apply under the revised schemes
* where works have not yet commenced
South Dublin County Council are currently working out a programme to implement these amendments which will include advertising the revised schemes locally.
While existing conditions will remain eg must not have commenced prior to application/approval; meet needs of disabled person for whom the grant is requested, will be the normal place of residence, some of the details of the revised schemes are set out below:
Housing Adaptation Grant Scheme for People with a Disability
The Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability is available to assist in the carrying out of works that are reasonably necessary for the purposes of rendering a house more suitable for the accommodation of a person with a disability who is a member of the household.
See attached for conditions of scheme
Mobility Aids Grant Scheme
The Mobility Aids Housing Grant Scheme is available to fast track grant aid to cover a basic suite of works to address mobility problems, primarily, but not exclusively, associated with ageing, in order that recipients are not subject to delays in accessing works.
See attached for conditions of scheme
For further information regarding the above mentioned grants please contact 01-4149393
Housing Aid for Older People Scheme
This scheme replaces the Essential Repairs Grant Scheme and will be administered by the HSE until further notice.
For further details and application form applicants should be advised to contact the HSE at : 01-6778218
Set out below are some of the improvements to be found in the new revised schemes :-
Housing Adaptation Grant scheme for people with a disability: § Increase in maximum grant available – from 90% to 95% cost of works § Increase in grant money available – from €20,320 to €30,000 § Maximum grant available will be indexed to building cost index § OT reports recoupable (€200 max) § Means test will ensure that those on lowest incomes will generally always qualify for max grant available § Income bands will be reviewed annually in line with wage inflation § LA contribution to cost of works has decreased to 20% (1/5) therefore additional expenditure available to other services/programmes § Suite of works has been expanded to allow additional works to be carried out e.g. inclusion of smoke alarms § Prioritisation on basis of medical need § List of contractors can be made available § Introduces a clear appeals procedure Mobility Aids Grant Scheme (as above ) § Introduction of additional grant scheme - fast track approach § Grant aid of 100% of the cost of the works to maximum of €6,000 § Only 1 estimate required