Monday, November 12, 2007
QUESTION: Councillor E. Tuffy
To ask the Manager for a progress report on the development of Grange Castle Business Park, including information on the number of companies who have already set up there or who have reached agreement with the Council to locate in the Park?
To date the disposal of three sites within the Park have been completed. The sites were disposed of to Wyeth Medica Ireland, Takeda and IAWS both the Wyeth and Takeda facilities have been completed for some time and the construction of the IAWS facility is currently underway. IAWS plan to commence operations from Grange Castle Business Park in mid 2008.
The Council at its meeting held on 9th July, 2007 approved the disposal of a site of approximately 18.9 acres to Microsoft Ireland Operations Ltd. An application for Planning Permission for the development of a Data Centre Facility was subsequently lodged and the Final Grant of permission was issued the 26th October, 07. It is anticipated that the legalities will be completed in the coming weeks and that Microsoft will be on site before the end of November.
In addition to the above the Council also disposed of two smaller sites to both ESB and Bord Gais to provide substations to service the Business Park.
As the Members will be aware the Council works closely with IDA Ireland in identifying development opportunities for the Park. The Park, which is marketed internationally by IDA is one of only four strategic sites for large scale inward investment in the country and the Council works in close co-operation with the IDA on any FDI project which may consider locating in the Park. However, these IDA negotiations are carried out on a strictly confidential basis and can only be disclosed when promoters of the project, IDA and the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment formally announce the project. The Council will be kept appraised of new projects/developments as they arise.
The construction of the new road and ancillary works south of the Takeda site to the Nangor Road should be completed within the next few weeks.
Adjacent to the Business Park the following two projects are complimentary to the Business Park and will further assist its marketing to clients.
A report under Part 8 in relation to the proposed Canal Green Route Project was noted at the October meeting of the Lucan Clondalkin Area Committee. A report is to be presented to the November meeting of the Council.
The Council has advertised on the government procurement portal for expressions of interest to develop the site at the golf course. This follows the failure of the Menolly Group to proceed with the proposed residential, leisure and commercial development.