Monday, October 22, 2007
MOTION: Councillor E. Maloney
That this Committee requests the Planning Department outline their plans for Disabled Parking in Tallaght Village and detail planning law pertaining to the provision of Disabled Parking in new developments
County Development Plan 2004-2010
The Development Plan outlines a number of planning policies and objectives regarding the provision of disabled car parking within private developments. These include:
“4.3.1 Policy SCR1: Social Inclusion
Ensuring that relevant development proposals incorporate access and facilities for disabled people such as level access to buildings, dished kerbs, appropriate parking spaces and accessible toilet facilities;
Access requirements for disabled people must be incorporated into the design of shops and all other buildings, public spaces, facilities and services likely to be used by the general public. Such requirements include ensuring level/ramped access to buildings, the dishing of footpaths, the provision of accessible parking for disabled drivers/passengers and toilet facilities, provision of appropriate hard surfaces, audible signals and tactile paving at pedestrian crossings, etc.
12.5.3 Shopping Centres
…the provision, within the overall design of the centre, of public facilities, e.g. toilets, childcare areas, access and facilities for disabled people including toilets and parking spaces, advice centres, pedestrian routes to schools, health clinics, etc.
12.7.2 Car Parking Provision
Each shared parking area should contain one car parking space for disabled drivers. In the case of sheltered housing there shall be a provision of one space for every two dwellings to include spaces accessible to disabled people. In the case of nursing homes and other homes with communal facilities, the standard shall be two spaces for every resident staff unit and one for every four resident bed spaces”.
Table 12.1 General Car Parking Standards Related to Land Use
Parking bay widths for disabled persons are specified at a minimum 3.0 metres.
One or more spaces per 100 spaces (or part thereof) should be reserved for disabled drivers.
Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan (LAP) 2006
The Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan states that private and commercial car parking the standards of the County Development Plan should apply to the area covered by the LAP, subject to particular local issues such as proximity to services, public transport and workplaces.
Parking Plans
The Roads Department undertake parking plans for public car parking in the county.
Parking plans have already been produced for Lucan, Rathfarnham, Clondalkin, Palmerstown, Rathcoole and Saggart. The preparation of a Tallaght parking strategy will form part of the next phase of the parking strategy for the county. The Tallaght parking strategy will include a minimum of two public road disabled parking spaces in Tallaght village. Public car parking provision forms a small proportion of the total amount of available car parking spaces in the Tallaght Village area.