south dublin county council crest


Monday, October 22, 2007


MOTION: Councillor M. Corr

That the Manager indicates what steps have been taken by this Council in order to ensure compliance with planning permission relating to the Belfry estate, Citywest with regard to the marking out of car parking spaces with lines, that if this has not been completed a year after it was first raised in this chamber what the Manager proposes to do to ensure compliance as this is a source of great inconvienience for residents of the Belfry.


Planning permission , subject to conditions, was granted on 9 July 2003 for the following proposed development “A residential development with a total of 745 no. dwelling units consisting of 257 no. 2 storey 2, 3 and 4 bed detached, semi-detached and terraced houses, 256 no. 3 storey 1, 2 and 3 bed duplex units, 8 no. 2 storey back to back houses and 224 no. 2 bed apartments in 2 no. 3 to 5 storey blocks A and B, and 2 no. 4 storey blocks C and D located along City West Road on site circa 38.79 acres. Main vehicular access from City West road via existing roundabout on distributor road on northern boundary with secondary access points from Deselby and Rathmintan Estates to the east. Associates site works to include open spaces, car parking, landscaping, underground attenuation tanks and outfalls. This application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement.” (Register reference S02A/0044 refers)

Condition no. 1 of the permission states;

“The development shall be carried out in its entirety in accordance with the plans, particulars and specifications lodged with the application as amended by Additional Information received on 08/09/02 and Clarification of Additional Information received on 23/12/02, save as may be required by the other conditions attached hereto.”

Approved drawing no SW.01, submitted with the application on 25 January 2002, indicates that car parking spaces throughout the development will be individually marked. A recent inspection has shown that the car parking spaces have been provided and marked adjacent to the apartment block in the north-western corner of the development. Car parking spaces have been provided but have not been delineated in the remainder of the development.

A Warning Letter dated 11th October 2007, pursuant to Section 152 of the Planning & Development Act, 2000 has been served on the developers of the estate concerning compliance in full with condition no. 1 of their permission. Failure to comply with the requirements of the permission in respect of car parking provision and marking will lead to the institution of enforcement proceedings.