south dublin county council crest


Monday, October 22, 2007


Proposed Variation of South Dublin County Development Plan 2004 - 2010

Newlands Cross

(Proposed Variation No. 4)

Manager’s Report on

Submissions and Observations


It is proposed to vary the South Dublin County Council Development Plan 2004 – 2010under Section 13 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) to facilitate appropriate upgrading of the existing signalised junction at Newlands Cross Clondalkin between the N7 (the National Primary Road from Dublin to Cork and Limerick) and the R113 (the main regional route between Tallaght, Clondalkin & Lucan). The junction has been prioritised by South Dublin County Council and the National Roads Authority (NRA) for upgrading to a grade-separated junction.

As part of the current M50 upgrade project the junction of the N7/M50 at Red Cow is being upgraded. The result of this is that the existing traffic lights at Newlands Cross will pose a significant constraint on what is a major national road, the N7, which will have been upgraded to a high quality. With this in mind South Dublin County Council and the NRA propose to provide a grade separated junction and to eliminate traffic lights for traffic travelling along the N7 at Newlands Cross.

Proposed Variation

Existing Specific Local Objective No. 52

Specific Local Objective No. 52 of the County Development Plan 2004-2010 provides for a grade-separated junction at Newlands Cross as follows:

Construct a grade-separated junction at Newlands Cross, to include an appropriate local traffic and segregated pedestrian facility at ground level with the N7 through traffic below grade.”

To facilitate consideration of alternative options to providing a grade-separated junction it is proposed to delete the existing wording of the objective and to substitute a new wording. Accordingly, the following revisions to the Written Statement and Maps of the South Dublin County Development Plan 2004-2010 are proposed:

Proposed Specific Local Objective No. 52

A new Specific Local Objective No. 52 as follows to be inserted in Chapter 14 of the Written Statement of the South Dublin County Development Plan 2004-2010 in place of the existing Specific Local Objective No. 52:

Construct a grade-separated junction at Newlands Cross.”

Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening

A screening report was prepared pursuant to Article 13K of the Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations 2004 following an assessment in accordance with Schedule 2A of the Regulations. The screening report concluded that the Proposed Variation would not be likely to have significant effects on the environment.The report was circulated to the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and the Environmental Protection Agency, being the relevant Environmental Authorities. No submissions or observations were received in response to these notifications, and the Council determined that the Proposed Variation would not be likely to have significant effects on the environment.

Public Notification
The proposed Variation of the South Dublin County Development Plan 2004-2010 (Variation No. 4) Newlands Cross, Clondalkin, was advertised on 14th August 2007. Written submissions/observations on the proposed Variation were invited from interested parties. The period for receipt of submissions closed on 11th September 2007. Three submissions were received during the consultation period. Table 1 below sets out the list of these submissions and copies of the submissions are attached to this Report in Appendix A.

Table 1 List of Submissions on Proposed Variation No. 4

Ref. No. Submitter Contact Name
Var4/01 An Taisce Ian Lumley, Heritage Officer
Var4/02 Dublin Bus Derry O'Leary
Var4/03 Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (DCENR) Frances Heaslip, Co-ordination Unit


The County Manager is required by the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended):

· to prepare a Report on the submissions/observations received during the consultation period,

· to summarise the main points in the submissions, and

· to make recommendations on the submissions.

The Elected Members consider the Manager’s Report and then decide on the Variation not later than 6 weeks after receipt by them of the Manager’s Report.

Summary of Submissions

The issues raised in the submissions are summarised, commented on and recommended on in Table 2 below.

Table 2 Summary of Submissions with Response and Recommendations

Var4/01 An assessment should be sought as to what traffic and demand management measures are proposed in order to reduce traffic demand and achieve the Dublin Transportation Office’s (DTO) Platform for Change objective of reducing congestion to 1991 levels. The assessment referred to in the submission forms part of the remit of the DTO in relation to its traffic demand management strategy set out in its “Strategy 2000-2016 – A Platform for Change – Final Report’ (page 65). The assessment referred to in the submission will not form part of the assessment of the Newlands Cross grade separated interchange scheme itself, except in so far as the scheme must be compatible with the objectives set out in the DTO’s ‘A Platform for Change’. The Scheme will be assessed in this regard as part of the EIS in relation to the interchange which is to be undertaken and submitted to An Bord Pleanala for adjudication. No change recommended to the wording of the proposed Variation.
Var4/02 Dublin Bus fully supports the proposed variation at Newlands Cross on the basis that it will give SDCC the necessary flexibility to find the best solution for all modes in this key area. The support of Dublin Bus is noted. No change recommended to the wording of the proposed Variation.
Var4/03 The DCENR have no objections to this proposed variation at this time. This is without prejudice to any comments that the Eastern Regional Fisheries Board may have in this matter. The Eastern Regional Fisheries Board was notified of the proposed Variation and has not made any submission on it. No change recommended to the wording of the proposed Variation.


No changes to the wording of the Proposed Variation are recommended.

It is therefore recommended that the wording of the Proposed Variation be adopted as advertised and displayed.

Next Steps Regarding the Proposed Variation

· The proposed variation and the County Manager’s Report shall be considered by the Members within 6 weeks of the submission to them of the Manager’s Report.

· In making a Variation, the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) states that the members of the authority shall be restricted to considering the proper planning and sustainable development of the area to which the development plan relates, the statutory obligations of the local authority and any relevant policies or objectives for the time being of the Government or any Minister of the Government.

· The members of the planning authority, having considered the proposed Variation and Manager's Report, may, by resolution as they consider appropriate, make the Variation, with or without modifications, or they may refuse to make it.

· A Variation of a Development Plan shall have effect from the date the variation is made.

· A SEA Statement to be published after any Variation is adopted shall include information on how environmental considerations have been integrated throughout the Variation process.


That this Council hereby resolves to make a Variation to the South Dublin County Council Development Plan 2004–2010, Newlands Cross, Clondalkin (Variation No 4), as provided for under Section 13 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), by the substitution of the existing wording of Specific Local Objective No. 52 in Chapter 14 of the Written Statement of the County Development Plan 2004-2010, with the following wording:

“52 Newlands Cross - Grade Separated Junction

Construct a grade-separated junction at Newlands Cross.”





From: O'Leary Derry []
Sent: 28 August 2007 10:46
To: Paul Hogan; Michael Kenny
Cc: Meagher Joe; Doherty Paddy (O'Connell St); Matthews Mick; Keating Donal; Ryan John (BAC)
Subject: Proposed Variation No 4 SDCC Dev Plan 2004-2010 - Lands at Newlands Cross


I refer to our brief discussion on the above.

Dublin Bus fully supports the proposed variation at Newlands Cross on the basis that it will give SDCC the necessary flexibility to find the best solution for all modes in this key area.

Please advise us of the outcome.

Kind regards



From: Coordination Unit []
Sent: 10 September 2007 14:30
To: Paddy McNamara
Cc: Gerry Clerkin; Agnes Reilly
Subject: Proposed variation (No. 4) of South Dublin County Council Development Plan 2004-2010. Lands at Newlands Cross, Clondalkin, Dublin 22.

10th September 2007

Paddy McNamara

Administrative Officer

Planning Department

South Dublin County Council

County Hall


Dublin 24

Re: South Dublin County Council – Proposed variation (No. 4) of South Dublin County Council Development Plan 2004-2010. Lands at Newlands Cross, Clondalkin, Dublin 22.

Dear Mr. McNamara,

I refer to a letter and enclosures of the 17th August 2007 in the above regard.

The Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources have no objections tot his proposed variation to make at this time.

The above is without prejudice to any comments that the Eastern Regional Fisheries Board may have in this matter.

Kind regards,

Frances Heaslip
Coordination Unit
Phone 01 6783084