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Monday, October 22, 2007


Planning and Development Act 2000
Part 8 Planning and Development Regulations 2001

Part 8 Report - Embankment Road QBC

1. Introduction

Part VIII of the Local Government Planning and Development Regulations 2001 outlines the requirements in respect of certain classes of Local Authority Developments. These regulations apply to the proposed Embankment Road Quality Bus Corridor.

The Quality Bus Corridor scheme will consist of the following:

· Changing road markings to omit the central hatching in the existing design and provide a 3.25m wide bus lane in both directions.

· Reduce the traffic lane width from 4.5m to 3.25m.

· The bus lanes are to be operational for 24 hours, Monday to Sunday.

· The provision of approximately 1160m of bus lane in the north-eastbound direction (to city centre) and 945m of bus lane in the south-westbound direction (to Tallaght).

· No changes in the total width of the carriageway or cycle tracks.

· No changes to any of the junction design.

The intention of the scheme is to:

· Ensure a quick and reliable bus service capable of providing consistent journey times. Hence, improving on bus journey times.

· Make better use of the available road space.

· Establish a high profile identity for bus services using the corridor.

· Link to and provide interchange possibilities with both the existing orbital QBC at Cookstown Road and the proposed south city orbital linking Tallaght with Blackrock.

· To provide interchange with Luas at the existing Belgard station.

The overall impacts of the proposal are:

· The provision of improved facilities for buses.

· There will be no significant impact on journey times for general traffic or reduction in capacity.

· There will be no impact on cycle facilities.

2. Public Consultation Process

The proposal was advertised in the Irish Independent and The Echo in accordance with Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 and was on public display from Tuesday 15th May 2007 to Wednesday 13th June 2007 at:

· South Dublin County Council Offices, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24.

· CountyLibrary, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin24.

Any person wishing to make a submission or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated was invited to do so. The latest date for the receipt of submissions was before 4:30 pm on Wednesday 27th June 2007.

3. Written Submissions

Only 1 submission was received for the scheme:

1. Mr Liam Roche, Castle Road, Saggart, Co. Dublin.

Report on Submissions

1. Mr Liam Roche

Mr Roche requested that:

a. More space be provided between traffic and cycle lanes

b. Trees be planted along the route, and

c. The road is as maintenance free as far as possible.


a. The Quality Bus Network Project Office (QBNPO) is proposing to only change the road markings in the existing design and not to change the design or total width of the road. The existing design has provided for a minimum width of 1.5m off road cycle tracks. Cyclists are therefore physically segregated from general traffic.

b. The QBNPO is only proposing to change the road markings of the realignment scheme design and not to widen the road, the design of which was approved during a previous Part 8 public consultation process.

c. The QBNPO is only involved in changing the road markings of the existing design and not to design the road, the design of which has been approved during a previous Part 8 public consultation process. The detailed design of the carriageway will be carried out with reference to all recognised standards and industry best practices. The completed design will be approved by the Roads Department of South Dublin County Council.

4. Summary

The proposed Embankment Road Quality Bus Corridor is in accordance with the 2004-2010 County Development Plan and with the proper planning and development of the area. The bus priority scheme measures will be designed in conjunction with the Quality Bus Network Project Office. It is therefore proposed to proceed with the Quality Bus Corridor as proposed.