Tuesday, October 9th 2007
Library Mission Statement and Objectives
Background and Context
County Profile and Services
Consultation Process
Library Infrastructure
Access and Inclusion
Stock Policy and Readers Services
Local Studies
Children’s and Schools Services
Customer Care
The structure of any plan should be informed by the mission statement and objectives of that organisation.
South Dublin County Libraries being an important focal point at the heart of the local community aims to be pro-active and dynamic in addressing its various needs, particularly in the areas of information, culture and heritage, literature and lifelong learning.
South Dublin County Libraries inspires the spirit of exploration, the joy of reading, the pursuit of knowledge for all peoples of all ages and backgrounds. As cornerstones of their neighbourhood our libraries connect people to each other, their local authority and their greater community. The library service promotes and enriches the democratic, cultural, educational and economic life of this evolving and diverse area.
South Dublin County Libraries preserves and promotes universal access to a broad range of human knowledge, experience, information and ideas in a welcoming and supportive environment. New technologies extend access to global information beyond library walls. South Dublin County Libraries provide free and equitable access to public library services which meet the changing needs of a growing community
1.Local Government Act 2001
The Local Government Act of 2001 states that a library authority shall from time to time, adopt a programme for the operation and development of its library service.
Every library development programme prepared by a library authority shall include:
(a) an outline of the existing library services,
(b) the development objectives and priorities for the library service,
(c) the measures taken or proposed to be taken to secure those developments
(d) the financial or other implications of the library development programme,
2. County Development Plan 2002 - 2012 - South Dublin: A Place for People
The County Strategy forms the framework for all the plans drawn up by its member agencies. The Libraries Department have an input into the main themes of the plan:
a) An Informed Place where the libraries contribute to the provision of information to the public
b) A Collaborative Place where the libraries actively engage in creating links with other agencies in the county.
c) A Place for Everyone and an Equitable Place where the libraries promote its service as a space for everyone
d) A Cultural Place where the libraries provide services and opportunities for all people regardless of their backgrounds
e) A Learning Place where the libraries cater for educational and development needs by a number of delivery methods of all citizens
3. South Dublin County Council Corporate Plan and Towards 2016
South Dublin County Council’s Corporate plan contains broad guidelines for the libraries service. The Libraries Development Plan adheres to and enhances each of these objectives. It draws on these documents to set in place a framework for a modern, dynamic and holistic library service for the citizens of the County. The lifecycle framework for policy development and delivery as outlined in Towards 2016 is one which South Dublin Libraries has always embraced. This five year plan will continue to develop improvements to service across the stages of Children, People of Working Age, Older People and People with disabilities.
The main objectives in the Corporate Plan that will inform the content of the sections of the Library Development Plan are:
- Provide public access to Information and Communication Technologies through the Library Service, recognising the vital role this plays in the promotion of social inclusion (e-Citizen and e-Inclusion).
- Implement initiatives to promote eInclusion and address the digital divide, using the Council’s network of local offices, libraries and service points.
- Celebrate and support the increasing multi-ethnic and multi-cultural nature of our communities.
- Develop a strategy for promotion of the Irish language in the work of the Council and in the wider community
- Support and encourage the work of local cultural, heritage and historical groups in documenting and preserving the richness of the county’s cultural heritage.
- Develop public consultation techniques and channels in relation to formulation of Council policies and programmes, utilising the Council’s network of community contact points such as local offices, community centres, libraries etc. and engaging with local and national media.
- Through the Public Library Service and Arts Programmes, the Council enriches the learning, cultural and artistic opportunities for communities.
- Develop a cultural quarter for the county centred on the County Library, Civic Theatre and proposed County Arts Centre.
- Provide a progressive, community-based public library service.
This plan reflects the proposals contained in Towards 2016 regarding modernising of services, co-operating with community groups, measuring performance, Performance Management Development System (PMDS), customer care, partnership, health and safety, the national disability strategy and a continued expansion of ICT services.
The plan is also informed and builds on the recommendations and guidelines of national reports on the library system such as Branching Out and Joining Forces.
The consultation process included submissions from the public following a series of notices in newspapers and on the library website. Focus groups were conducted throughout the county and a questionnaire was drawn up for library users to determine their opinions on service development.
Library staff have made suggestions for inclusion and the Library Partnership Group have over the last year been considering contributions to the Plan
South Dublin covers an area of 223 km sq. The population of the County stood at 246,935 in 2006, an increase of 8,100 (3.4%) over the previous 4 years. In South Dublin 29% of the population are 19 or younger.
The Libraries are part of the Community Department of South Dublin County Council
There are full-time libraries at Ballyroan, Castletymon, Clondalkin, Lucan and the County Library, Tallaght. Part-time libraries are at Whitechurch and in the grounds of Stewart’s Hospital. There are four mobile libraries, based at Library Headquarters, which visit the areas not serviced by a library building. South Dublin County Libraries operate a housebound service through out South Dublin County.
The Schools Library Service is centrally located in Tallaght and supplies library materials and offers an advisory service on reading and library provision to all primary schools in the County.
The administrative headquarters, providing support services to our branch library network, is located Tallaght.
The current library service consists of five full-time libraries and two part-time libraries.
This is not adequate for the size of the county. There are many areas that do not have easy access to a library building. An accessible, flexible and responsive library should exist at the heart of each community. Some of our existing branch libraries are constrained by their size and layout and this is impacting on the levels of activities ands services provided to customers. This plan addresses these issues and presents a blueprint for excellence in service development over the next five years. In all the projects the idea of flexibility will be upmost in the planning and design. It is essential that the library buildings can adapt to new uses in future years.
The image of the library service in many cases is portrayed by the exterior of the buildings. This plan will attempt to create a new fresh image that will encourage the public to enter the libraries and use the services.
- South Dublin Libraries need to expand the number of library buildings across the County. This is dependant of the amount of resources available to the libraries both in terms of finance and staff over the lifetime of this plan.
- New library buildings or library hubs are required at: Adamstown, Clonburris, Liffey Valley, North Clondalkin, Palmerstown and the Rathcoole/Newcastle area.
- Existing library buildings in Tallaght, Ballyroan and Clondalkin will be extended to provide improved levels of service.
- The development of library collections in non-library buildings will be explored with the view to increasing access to library materials for more citizens.
- The libraries will also explore any opportunities to improve the infrastructure that may occur during the life of this plan
South Dublin County Libraries are widely recognised as innovative and cutting edge in the application of new technologies to service development. The Library service was the first in Ireland to introduce e-books digital audio books from its website . In recent years assistive technologies and improved software and hardware have been introduced. WiFi has been installed in all the branch libraries and the mobile libraries have been fully automated. The aim of the Libraries Services is to continue to be an innovator in ICT provision as laid out in the following actions.
- South Dublin County Libraries will future proof ICT services to ensure flexibility in the implementation of all new technologies for enhanced delivery and accessibility to staff and customers
- Communications Infrastructure upgrade to build capacity for future development across all service points
- Three year rollover hardware upgrade for all service points covering public and staff services
- Continuous upgrade of to provide a website which serves as a virtual library providing access to a variety of online resources. The website will include the most contemporary version of the online catalogue, web pages for children, links to online databases and encyclopaedia as well as comprehensive programme and event listings for all library activities. The website will act as a gateway to the Digital Zone which will offer a new download zone for children’s books complementing existing services for adults.
- Investigate the use of Web 2.0 for development of an interactive end user platform on library website
- Download Zone for Children will offer children a range of books in many formats for downloading to a PC or portable device. This customized zone will be the first of its kind in Ireland.
- Continued development of the Library online catalogue with more functionality and enhanced user interface
- Use of RFID technology interfaced with library management system to deliver concise stock management services
- Move to next version of management information from Library Management System to enable forensic analysis of activity statistics
- Digital Training Suite in the County Library will act as a centre of excellence for training in a range of ICT applications for staff and for library users. Training will range from basic skills to high end media design and development.
- Provide video conferencing facilities at the County Library to deliver webinar training facilities for library staff
- Digitisation of library in-house publications to incorporate them into Library digital collections.
- Digitisation of in-house publications to create talking books for people with low vision
- Access via library website to digital versions of business and political journals such as The Economist
- Automate customer registration process to enable information sharing across all areas of the service
- Enhanced levels of assistive technologies for customers with physical and intellectual difficulties
- Electronic Data Interchange rollout at Library HQ
- Overdue email alert to customers
- Detailed profiling of customers from registration data
- SMS texting of news items to customers
- Enhanced Wi fi solutions across all branches to offer added functionality for customers
- On line registration for customers from Library website
- Co-ordinated initiatives where appropriate with the Connect project
Access and social inclusion are an integral part of “Connecting with Communities”, as outlined in the South Dublin County Council Corporate Plan 2004 – 2009. Measures to address poverty, exclusion and inequality are threaded throughout the plan.
South Dublin County Libraries aims to provide a welcome and inclusive space for all citizens of the County. Our Libraries should be places without barriers to usage. A place that presents no barriers to its usage. Significant improvements have been made in this area but more needs to be achieved. There is also a need to publicise the fact that the following services are currently available and to continue the promotion as new services are introduced.
- It is free to join South Dublin County Libraries and to use the internet which is accessible in all branches
- A programme of refurbishment and improvements have been commenced in the last year to improve physical access
- The county has the longest opening hours in the country.
- Multi cultural collections now offer material in a wide range of World Languages
- Guides to the library are available in eleven languages
- The website allows borrowers to renew and reserve books from home
- The e-books initiative allows borrowers to borrow books from home and digital audio books offer a library service to those with low vision
- Adjustable furniture has been installed in the libraries
- Assistive technologies are available in the branches
- Materials are available in different formats
- Housebound Service
- Hearing loop systems in all libraries
- Browse aloud software on the website
Further initiatives within the life of this plan will be
- Improved signage
- Install tactile markings in the libraries
- Improve the scope of the housebound service
- Implement layout changes in the libraries to increase accessibility
- Wheelchair access to all areas of the branch libraries
- Wheelchair access to all large mobile libraries
- Explore the installation of library collections in non-library buildings
- Expand the amount of material available on-line
- Continue the digitisation of local studies materials
- Support the Changing Libraries initiative of the Library Council.
- Explore the possibility of on-line registration
- Increase and improve the provision of assistive technologies
- Review all aspects of improving access on a regular basis.
- Host “Getting Started Computer Training Programmes” for older people
- Universal design in all new library buildings and extensions.
- Increase awareness of services currently available through better promotion
- Encourage usage of services by engaging with community groups
Human Resources
South Dublin County Libraries acknowledges that a quality library services can only delivered by enthusiastic, motivated and trained staff. The Library service currently employs one hundred and twenty staff. The knowledge, experience and expertise of staff is a critical element in advancing the vision of this plan and will be achieved by:
- working in co-operation with South Dublin County Council’s Human Resources Department to ensure that staffing levels are maintained and improved as the library system develops
- the implementation of the national Library Service Review in 2007 has introduced a new grading structure at senior and middle management levels to the library service which has resulted in a more favourable career path for library staff and will impact considerably on the range and quality of development which will be progressed in the lifetime of the Development Plan.
- the Performance Management Development System (PMDS) has been and will continue to be developed to enhance work performance, staff training and development and improved costumer services
- delivery of a comprehensive training programme which focuses on library specific, general management, customer care and health and safety training.
- through the Public Library Staff Education Scheme to encourage staff to progress in professional education
- development programmes and projects to involve all staff at all grades.
- through facilitating and encouraging staff involvement in the Workplace Partnership, senior staff team meetings and local team meetings , to allow full participation in all issues affecting personal development, career and service delivery
Financial Resources
While recognising that an excellent library service is dependant on trained and dedicated staff, a further crucial element is adequate financial resources to implement the Library Development Plan .The current budget for South Dublin County Libraries (2007) is €7.22 million. Funding of library services to the highest national and international standards will be achieved by:
- availing of all capital grants for the library building programme and new services development from central government
- planning to ensure adequate funding for revenue expenditure.
- the library service will continue to improve expenditure on library stock, provision of I.C.T and opportunities for lifelong learning for all our customers
- effective and efficient use of library budgets in service delivery giving value for money
- sourcing of goods and services to achieve value for money objectives
- planning ,in budget preparation, for new services and developments
Buildings and Infrastructure
The Library service, through its branch network is frequently the face of the local authority in the community, a focus for cultural and community events and in their own right are an effective marketing and promotional tool for the library service. South Dublin County Libraries will actively strive to provide quality premises by:
· progressing a library buildings programme
· maintenance of existing buildings to the highest possible standards of attractiveness, comfort and safety for our customers and staff.
· particular attention to requirements for standards of health and safety as specified in building and related legislation
· working within the terms and brief of the National Disability Strategy, as administered by South Dublin County Council, to ensure equality of access to our library buildings
South Dublin County Libraries existing stock policy states
“The policy must ensure that the library community have access to a variety of materials in a variety of formats and to ensure that materials are available as speedily as possible”
South Dublin County Libraries are also aiming to fulfil the aims set out by both IFLA/UNESCO and CILIP
IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto states
“The services of the public library are provided on the basis of equality of access to all, regardless of age, race, gender, religion, nationality, language or social status.
All age groups must find material relevant to their needs. Collections and services have to include all types of appropriate media as well as traditional materials”
CILIP Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals declares
“The function of a library service is to provide, so far as resources allow, all books, periodicals etc, other than the trivial, in which readers claim legitimate interest.
The public are entitled to rely on libraries for access to information and enlightenment upon every field of human experience and activity. Those who provide library services should not restrict this access except by standards which are endorsed by law.
In the course of this plan the libraries specifically aim to carry out the following:
- Each library will provide a broad based and varied stock appropriate to its size and user needs.
- Stock in each branch will serve to enrich the culture and heritage of the county.
- We will provide a comprehensive stock in alternative formats. Large Print, Audio Books and Digital Audio Books
- We will continue to build on our existing stock of film on DVD, which currently stands at 5,000 titles. This will include classic films, foreign language titles, children’s films and T.V. programmes.
- We will build on our existing stock of downloadable titles to include books, audio books, film and music.
- We will continue to support and promote the Irish language by the provision of a comprehensive and relevant collection of Irish language material.
- Our children’s services will provide core collections designed to encourage both independent readers and children with reading difficulties.
- Materials will be purchased specifically for children with reading difficulties. Where possible our Schools Library Service staff will identify these reading schemes and provide written guides to accompany them.
- We will continue to provide reading material to book-clubs, both library based and independent clubs.
- We will establish book-clubs specifically for children, teenagers and the active-aged.
- We will build on our foreign language collections to provide for our new communities
- Different languages will be provided in response to local ethnicities.
- We will develop a training course on stock management for all library staff.
- Each library will carry out a stock audit to ascertain gaps, weaknesses or overstock in the collections.
- We will continue to support adult literacy programmes
- Review the layout of the stock in the branches and establish if new designs encourages greater usage of library materials
South Dublin Libraries are centres for learning and exploration for adults and children across the County. Libraries offer customers a safe place to explore the world of knowledge and information while stimulating discovery and research. Over the next five years South Dublin Libraries will strive to provide more effective learning opportunities to all citizens of the county through:
- Working with other agencies and schools to support the formal learning frameworks across the County
- Identify informal and return to learning initiatives and resource and support these as appropriate
- Create new learning opportunities for customers using the ICT resources of the new County Library
- Provide life long learning programmes that reflect the diversity of learning styles and learning needs across the County
- Develop a Family Learning Programme targeted at parents of young children to improve learning outcomes for all
Local Studies is increasingly being seen as a valuable part of the library service. South Dublin County Libraries have been building up a valuable collection in recent years. Many items have been digitized and the libraries have published, in partnership with local authors, in a number of new titles each year.. The actions in this plan aims to build on the work carried out in recent years:
The aim of local studies is to provide a professional service to users and to promote and develop programmes to promote national events such as Bealtaine and Heritage Week. Initiatives will take place in the areas of digitisation, collection development, publications and cross departmental cooperation. In the next five years we will aim to carry out the following:
- Digitisation will be continued as a means to improve access to LH materials for library users, teachers and school children and for remote users and for preserving unique material
- Historic maps of South Dublin will be available on the web
- Establish a Pod casting facility for oral history, continue to collect oral histories and look at establishing a local studies blog to facilitate hosting new material and to inform users about Local Studies events and activities
- Ensure library exhibitions are made available in electronic form.
- Make existing publications available via the library website site as e-books or Audio e-books
- Host a Junior Oidhreacht Photographic Competition and an oral history / video competition. To attract under-18s the competitions will be web based.
- Collect Traveller History especially Traveller Oral History
- Establish a Family History Centre
- Continue to provide schools Local Studies resource packs when requested
- Strive to improve efficiency and service delivery by developing appropriate performance indicators and measuring them such as usage of Local Studies services
- Ensure that all materials are preserved in the best possible condition, and handled appropriately.
- Establish a publications grant scheme.
- Continue to promote Local Studies in South Dublin by developing and promoting new initiatives and by hosting high-profile exhibitions, talks, lectures, etc.
- Establish a Local Studies Prize for the best school project
- Host a Local Studies day for South Dublin Local History Societies and/or establish a Federation of South Dublin Local History Societies.
South Dublin County Libraries have invested much time and resources into creating a high standard of library provision for the children in the county. There are children’s sections in each of the branch libraries and on the mobile vans. An extensive development programme is delivered each year, which encourages and fosters reading and promotes greater use of library services. .
The national Childrens’ Book Festival, held each year in late October, includes competitions, events and author visits to engage and enthuse children. Science Week in November brings astronomy and animals among other exciting events to the library.
However there is always more that can be done and in the next five years the following will be advanced:
- Each library serving the children of the county should allow ease of access and should be bright and welcoming
- Where possible the layout of stock, furniture and equipment should be child-friendly and mindful of children and teenagers with special needs.
- All service points will hold core collections designed to encourage both independent readers and children with reading difficulties.
- Librarians purchasing stock for children will ensure that it reflects the needs of the community that they are serving. It must contribute to the intellectual, social and emotional development of young people.
· Services for children in South Dublin County will be co-ordinated at branch level by suitably qualified and trained members of staff.
- Class visits will be arranged to introduce children to the layout of the library and give some guidance on searching for information
- The Schools Library Service will draw up a list of useful websites for staff, teachers and children.
- With information drawn from area profiles, staff will endeavour to extend library tours to all relevant community groups.
- Where demand dictates, service points will support homework clubs in the provision of study space and junior stock.
- Existing promotional book collections designed to encourage children to become independent readers will be extended and additional collections purchased
- In order to facilitate children with reading difficulties new reading schemes will be purchased in conjunction with the Acquisitions Librarian.
- The introduction of a Family Reading Group Initiative will foster literacy amongst parents and children.
- Communication between librarians and their community will continue to be developed through ongoing liaison with teachers and agencies who deal with children with literacy difficulties
- The hosting of a Readers Day for children or related to children reading will be investigated.
- Story time will be held regularly in each of our static service points. Training in storytelling will be provided to interested staff.
- All primary and secondary schools will be contacted on a regular basis by their local branch library.
- Each class will be encouraged to visit their local library. Where a class cannot travel to the library, a member of staff in association with the School Librarians will visit the school where feasible.
- All local primary schools and crèches will be contacted and informed of library facilities, particularly block loan facilities
- A Traveller Children's Reader Project will be developed
- The libraries will co-ordinate its outreach programmes with the CDI project where appropriate
- The libraries will liaise with other departments in South Dublin County Council to improve integrated delivery of children’s services.
- South Dublin County Libraries will support parents and carers through the provision of books and non-book materials such as CD-ROMs, DVDs CDs and educational games and toys. The Libraries will also provide information, where relevant, including recommended reading guides, promotional talks and school visits.
- Staff with responsibility for developing services to children will work with the Senior Librarian, IT and Reader Services, towards a comprehensive ICT policy for children and young people. They will seek to identify quality software for homework support and packages for children beginning to read.
- The South Dublin County Libraries website should be linked to relevant websites to increase our profile amongst education providers
The services available from South Dublin County Libraries need to be strategically marketed and promoted to both our customers and those who do not use the library service. The focus groups carried out during the summer of 2007 indicated that there was a lack of knowledge about what the libraries can and does deliver. South Dublin County Libraries currently publicises events on our website, in local newspapers, magazines, parish newsletters and other relevant publications. Libraries also do mail shot and monthly events mailing to customers
During the course of this plan there will be:
- A marketing Plan drawn up for the libraries
- A shift towards branding the library service with distinctive logos and images. The libraries will ensure that all publicity, cards and products are easily identifiable as South Dublin County Libraries.
- The libraries will attend more exhibitions, road shows to publicise their services
- There will be more contact with groups that were involved in the focus group feedback to find out their views periodically on how the library is measuring up to its aims and at the same time inform the groups about new services
- There will be more contact with education groups to inform them about the library resources
- There will be a concerted effort to talk to non-users and find out why they are not using the library
- The libraries will take part in more partnerships with organisations throughout the county
- Community profiles will be drawn up to establish how best to engage the public around each library. Knowing who you are serving is crucial to any marketing plan.
- New areas to advertise the libraries will be explored and their impact assessed.
- The libraries will look to use ICT to help promote events. The use of SMS could be extended to alert borrowers to events
- The collection of e-mail addresses from our users will allow the libraries to inform the users of new services or events.
- Re-designing application form to gather more information on user preferences.
- South Dublin County Libraries will participate in and promote national ( Public Library Users Survey 2007) and local surveys and will utilise survey results planning and improving service development
The libraries adhere to the customer care charter of South Dublin County Council. This entails that in our dealings with the public we will undertake the following:
· Provide clean, accessible public libraries that comply with occupational and safety standards and, as part of this, facilitate access for people with disabilities and others with specific needs.
· Treat all our customers equally.
· Aim to identify and work to eliminate barriers to accessing services for people using those services.
· Take an active approach in providing information that is clear, timely and accurate, is available at all points of contact and meets the requirements of people with specific needs. Ensure that the potential offered by Information Technology is fully availed of.
· Continue the drive for easily understood forms, information leaflets and procedures.
· Deliver quality services with courtesy, sensitivity and minimum delay
· Give contact names in all communications to ensure ease of all ongoing transactions.
· Establish and maintain a well publicised, accessible, transparent and simple to use system of redress for customers who are dissatisfied with quality of services.
· Provide a structured approach to meaningful consultation with, and participation by, the customer in relation to the development, delivery and review of services. Ensure meaningful evaluation of service delivery.
· Use available and emerging technologies to ensure maximum access to choice of service delivery.
· Provide quality services through Irish and/or bilingually and inform customers of their rights to choose to be dealt with through one or other of the official languages.
· Foster a more co-ordinated and integrated approach to delivery of public services.
· Ensure staff are recognised as internal customers and that they are properly supported and consulted. Continued support for the Partnership model will be maintained.
· Ensure all staff are aware of their role in the promotion of customer care
· Introduce Frontline Training to all staff. Frontline is an online training course in the basic theory and practice of customer care and reader-centred work in the library. South Dublin County Libraries will be the first Irish library authority to introduce this course.
South Dublin Libraries are hubs of cultural and artistic activity across the County and gateways to local arts and cultural activities. Each year over two thousands cultural and artistic events are organised by library staff. Arts activities, film, local studies, music, storytelling, exhibitions, literary events as well as a range of inter agency activities with national cultural and art agencies are programmed throughout each year.
- To support and promote an arts programme of residences in conjunction with the South Dublin County Council Arts Office.
- Promote programmes that understand & celebrate cultural diversity in the county.
- Create linkages between County Library, County Arts Centre and Civic Theatre to create a vibrant Cultural Quarter in Town Centre of Tallaght.
- Create a synergy between libraries, social inclusion, arts and sports with a view to creating an environment for pro-social behaviour.
- To continue to provide opportunities of learning through, appreciation programmes and work in partnership towards the co-hosting of lecture series and seminars of cultural interest annually.