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Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Sub Committee on Consideration of Planning Policy Initiatives to Ameliorate Anti-Social Behaviour in New and Existing Developments


At a meeting of the Economic Development and Planning Strategic Policy Committee held on 17th May 2006, a report entitled ‘Planning Policies and Design Approaches to Reduce Anti-Social Behaviour’ was considered. This report detailed provisions in Planning Department plans and policies with implications for anti-social behaviour and crime in general.

Following a proposal from Councillor Eamon Tuffy, it was agreed that a sub-committee be set up to further examine the matter. Terms of Reference were drawn up and agreed and the purpose of the sub-committee was defined as follows:

‘The Sub-Committee shall consider the issue of anti-social behaviour in relation to the role of the Council as planning authority and shall make recommendations on how anti-social behaviour can be reduced through the planning process. The focus shall be on plans, policies, guidelines and planning functions of the Council including the role of the Development Plan, Local Area Plans, planning studies, the assessment of planning applications and enforcement’.

The Sub-Committee met over the period October 2006 to May 2007. Various aspects of anti-social behaviour were teased out and discussed including examples from Sub-Committee members’ own experience and areas of expertise. It was agreed that the best way to proceed was to prepare ‘Guidelines for Designing out Anti-Social Behaviour’, the document now being presented for your approval.

The Guidelines are intended as a reference tool for Forward Planning and Development Management in the Planning Department. They contain criteria for proofing planning applications and local area plans, masterplans and planning studies against the potential for facilitating crime and anti-social behaviour. The premise is that by creating a safe, secure and attractive environment, opportunities for anti-social behaviour and crime in general are minimised.

The Guidelines would also be of assistance to staff in other departments of the Council e.g. architects designing a housing layout, engineers planning a road network, parks superintendents designing open spaces, etc. In addition, they are drafted in a manner that would render them accessible to interested members of the public.

The Guidelines are now presented to the Economic Development and Planning SPC members, for consideration and approval.