Tuesday, 11th September 2007
QUESTION: Councillor J. Lahart
"To ask the County Manager to present a full and comprehensive and detailed report of the actions taken by South Dublin County Council to improve the environment at Cherryfield traveller Accommodation with regard to the following:
litter, illegal dumping outside the boundary walls, burning of materials to the rere of the site; appalling grafitti on perimeter walls and adjacent to Cherryfield; illegal encampments outside of the site from time to time;
in addition to ask the Manager to detail what offences have been committed and prosecuted and the outcome of any such prosecutions.
The maintenance and continual update of this area is of considerable and continual concern to local residents and to me as their local representative?"
The following report was submitted to the Meeting of Terenure Rathfarnham Area committee (2) 12th June 2007.
“Cherryfield Residential Caravan Park is a traveller specific development incorporating a community centre and ten bays. It was opened in December 2002, and has been fully occupied since that date. The site is subject to the normal and regular maintenance regimes as appropriate to sites of this type. The followingreport was made to the last meeting of this Area Committee, as follows:
The housing development in Cherryfield Way has been the focus of increased maintenance responses by the Council since the start of the year. Priority has been given to maintenance demands and significant time and resources are being directed at the scheme. It is noted that there has been a significant improvement over the recent past and the Council's efforts to further improve the situation will continue.
A considerable amount of illegal dumping had taken place both on the site and in the adjoining Cherryfield Park. This illegal dumping which is similar to the pattern of dumping which is taking place at a number of locations in the County is under continued and active investigation at present. Site visits by the Council’s Enforcement Staff continue to be regularly carried out. Staff are also using the latest technology to detect offenders and all offenders will be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible. Should any Council tenants be identified as engaging in illegal dumping then such behaviour will be dealt with in accordance with the Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour policy. Residents have been warned that the Council is taking a zero tolerance approach to those who are proven to be engaged in such illegal activities.
In recognition of the impact some of the activities were having on the local environment, the Council increased its presence and adopted a more proactive approach to the elimination of a range of unacceptable behaviours that had been evident in times past. As previously advised, a new approach to estate management and tenant participation has been piloted and the revised arrangements now in place on this scheme have begun to deliver the level of improvements that offer the opportunity to further restore confidence. As indicated above some immediate improvements have been delivered, however the matter is being kept under constant and continuing review. All residents have received a severe written warning and informed that their future behaviour, if not immediately improved, will lead to the severest of consequences.The Council is confident that the combined effects of the new arrangements will further improve perceptions of the scheme.
The Committee in considering this report requested that a detailed report be made to this Committee meeting. In this regard the following should be noted:
The foregoing matters reflect the issues which the members requested be addressed at the last meeting of the Area Committee. The completion of the small number of remaining issues will address all the concerns expressed by the members.“
Since June the site has been continually monitored by all relevant departments of the Council.
There has been a marked improvement in the site, viz: no reoccurrence of graffiti, dumping/littering virtually stopped. Internal clean ups are continuing. Stray dogs removed, grass cut fortnightly.
No further complaints have been received in respect of the site or anti-social behaviour.
At present there are no families illegally in occupation of this site, the two families who had been living here illegally vacated the area in early August. The Traveller Accommodation Unit will continue to monitor any illegal encampments that may occur from time to time. In all cases where this occurs appropriate notices are served and are followed up immediately by officials of the Unit and the Gardai and contractors where appropriate.
There have been 6 no. fines issued for unlicensed dogs and one of these is due in court in the near future. No fines have yet been issued under the Litter Acts, as so far it has not been possible to identify offenders.
The Traveller Unit and other relevant departments will continue to monitor the site on a regular basis and will take appropriate action where necessary.