South Dublin County Council Crest


Monday, July 09, 2007


MOTION: Councillor T. McDermott

That the Manager adopts a green procurement policy for South Dublin County Council to include a wide range of issues  including greenhouse gas emissions, worker's rights, animal welfare, recycling, sustainable timber procurement, packaging, toxic materials, energy efficiency, vehicles, organic food, etc.


This Council is at present undertaking an exercise in scoping the preparation of a Corporate Procurement Policy within the context of government strategies for e-Procurement and the National Procurement Policy Framework. This involves the engagement of a consultant from a panel drawn up by the Department of Finance for this purpose.


This policy will cover the acquisition, whether under formal contract or otherwise, of works, supplies and services ranging from the purchase of routine supplies or services to formal tendering and placing contracts for large infrastructural projects


The Council’s procurement function operates within a framework of EU / national laws and national guidelines which promote open and transparent competition as a means of achieving value for money. The increasing complexity and importance of purchasing decisions by public bodies has led to a need for a more strategic focus and improved management of the public procurement process. Public bodies including all local authorities are now required to draw up a procurement policy in accordance with a framework which has been developed by the Department of Finance.


There is scope within this process to carry out an evaluation of the social and environmental issues raised in the motion and incorporate appropriate policy and procedural measures in these areas.


A cross-departmental group is being put in place to work on this policy development and this will include the carrying out of research into national and international examples of how interaction between procurement rules and social / environmental considerations can be addressed in the context of this Council’s operations. The resulting policy will draw on relevant EU, national, regional and local policy guidance and will present a sustainable way forward for the Council in this regard. This will be coordinated with the work of the group dealing with assessing the Council’s carbon footprint and developing an alternative energy strategy to reduce this footprint.


This matter will be addressed over the coming months and a progress report will be made to the November meeting of the Organisation & Procedure & Finance Committee.