Monday, May 28, 2007
MOTION: Councillor M. Daly
"That this Committee agrees to develop a system that would allow members of the public propose buildings/sites of a historical and significant local value be protected under the existing legislation. That we facilitate a forum for these expressions to be put forward in order to compliment this process. That a pilot scheme be initiated in the Tallaght area within a defined time period set out following the adoption of this motion."
A review of South Dublin County Council’s Development Plan took place between 2002 and 2004. As part of the Development Plan review the Record of Protected Structures (RPS) as listed under the 1998 Development Plan was re-surveyed and re-assessed.
An important component and re-assessment was the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH) which involved a detailed survey of the county in 2002. A number of new structures were identified in this survey and a significant proportion of these were subsequently added to the Record of Protected Structures as part of the Development Plan review following recommendations by the Minister of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. The current Record of Protected Structures is set out in Schedule 2 of the County Development Plan 2004-2010.
It should be noted that the criteria for inclusion of a structure on the Record is set out in the Planning and Development Act 2000 (Part IV S.52). The Act requires that a protected structure be of special interest under one or more of the following categories:
It is recommended under the Architectural Heritage Protection Guidelines published by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (2004) that “a planning authority must decide whether a structure is worthy of inclusion in the Record of Protected Structures (RPS) by identifying the characteristics of special interest, which would merit its inclusion”. Part 2 of the Guidelines indicates features, which may contribute to the character and special interest of a structure.
A planning authority is obliged to include in the RPS every structure which, in its opinion is of special interest. This responsibility will involve the planning authority in reviewing its RPS from time to time (normally during the review of the development plan) with a view to making additions or deletions.
Under Section 54 (1) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 a planning authority may add to or delete from its Record of Protected Structures a structure, a specified part of a structure or a specified feature of the attendant grounds of a structure, where –
(a) the authority considers that –
(i) in the case of an addition, the addition is necessary or desirable in order to protect a structure, or part of a structure, of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest, whether or not a recommendation has been made under Section 53, or
(ii) in the case of a deletion, the protection of the structure or part is no longer warranted, and
(b) the addition or deletion is made when making a development plan under Part II or in accordance with Section 55.
The making of an addition to or a deletion from, the Record of Protected Structures is a reserved function of the elected members.
In relation to Tallaght -
- There are a number of structures on the Record of Protected Structures in the village.
- The historic core of the village is an Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) as outlined on the Development Plan maps. In the ACA proposed development in relation to any buildings within its boundaries are assessed by the Conservation Officer. The Council is preparing guidance leaflets for owners / occupiers in relation to all ACAs within the county with the assistance of the Heritage Council. These leaflets should be finalised and published later in the year.
- The Tallaght Local Area Plan contains policies and objectives in relation to the historic core of the village.
It is considered that submissions for additions to Protected Structures can be appropriately made during the next review of the County Development Plan or following procedures set out under Part IV of the Planning and Development Act, 2000. The review of the County Development Plan will commence in December 2008.