South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday 8th May 2007


MOTION: Councillor J. Lahart

"That the Manager outline what steps have been taken to address serious local concerns related to the Cherryfield Traveller Accommodation."


The housing development in Cherryfield Way has been the focus of increased maintenance responses by the Council simce the start of the year. Priority has been given to maintenance demands and significant time and resources are being directed at the scheme. It is noted that there has been a significant improvement over the recent past and the Council's efforts to further improve the situation will continue. 

A considerable amount of illegal dumping had taken place both on the site and in the adjoining Cherryfield Park.  This illegal dumping which is similar to the pattern of dumping which is taking place at a number of locations in the County is under continued and active investigation at present.  Site visits by the Council’s Enforcement Staff continue to be regularly carried out.  Staff are also using the latest technology to detect offenders and all offenders will be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible.  Should any Council tenants be identified as engaging in illegal dumping then such behaviour will be dealt with in accordance with the Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour policy. Residents have been warned that the Council is taking a zero tolence approach to those who are proven to be engaged in such illegal activities.

In recognition of the impact some of the activities were having on the local environment, the Council increased its presence and adopted a more proactive approach to the elimination of a range of unacceptable behaviours that had been evident in times past. As previously advised, a new approach to estate management and tenant participation has been piloted and the revised arrangements now in place on this scheme have begun to deliver the level of improvements that offer the opportunity to further restore confidence.  As indicated above some immediate improvements have been delivered, however the matter is being kept under constant and continuing review.  All residents have received a severe written warning and informed that their future behaviour, if not immediately improved, will lead to the severest of consequences. The Council is confident that the combined effects of the new arrangements will further improve perceptions of the scheme.