South Dublin County Council Crest


Wednesday 11th April 2007


Report on Social and Affordable Housing


The Council's Housing Strategy, which was prepared in accordance with Part V of the Planning & Development Act 2000, was adopted by the Council at its meeting held on 11th June 2001.  This Strategy was reviewed and now forms an integral part of the County Development Plan 2004-2010, which was adopted by the Council on 10th November, 2004.

The strategy requires 15% of all residential developments to be reserved for Social/Affordable housing purposes.  The Council has been successful in the delivery of affordable housing under the following initiatives:

(a)   Part V of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended).

(b)   Joint Venture Schemes.

(c)   Integrated Area Plans.

To date 450 affordable units have been procured throughout the County.  Of these 6 have been procured and sold on in the Terenure/Rathfarnham Area.

The following schedule sets out (a) the location and number of units procured to date in the Terenure/Rathfarnham Area, (b) a schedule of social/affordable units to be procured where a Letter of Exchange has issued and/or an Agreement has been reached, (c) schedule of developments where a Commencement Notice has been served and negotiations are ongoing with the developer.


(a) Schedule of Affordable Units procured in the period 2003 - to date

 Development Number of units  Date of Procurement 
Glen Bard Inns Limited, "Rosmor", Scholarstown Road, Rathfarnham  6 units

Total 6 units


(b) Schedule of Affordable Units to be procured where a Letter of Exchange has issued and/or an Agreement has been reached


  Development   No of units  Target Completion Date for units
 Boden Heath, Ballyboden Park,  11 units June 07
 Garthy Wood, Knocklyon,  3 units June 07 
 Temple Manor, Limekiln Farm,

 3 units

Total 17 units

June 07









(C) Schedule of developments where a Commencement Notice has been served and negoitiations are ongoing with the developer

 Developer  Estimated number of units  Target Completion Date for Units 
Former Eircom Training Centre, Wainsfort Road  51  2008
Lands adjacent to Nursing Home, Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham,  17  2008 
College Drive, Dublin 6W  21  2008
Everton and Bushy Park, Ballyboden Road


 Total 96 units

Dec 07

Please note that date of procurement may change due to external factors, outside the control of the Council, e.g. registration of title issue, climatic conditions etc.

In addition to the foregoing, there is potential to procure a further 85 social/affordable units in the Terenure/Rathfarnham Area on foot of Planning Permissions granted where initial contact has been made with developers.