From: Traffic []
Sent: 31 January 2007 15:36
To: Noreen Fitzgibbon
Subject: RE: FAO Ms. Esther Hickey A.O. Traffic Section

Attachments: WARNING.TXT
Dear Noreen,
Thank you for your e-mail. I will have an initial discussion with the Area Engineer as soon as he is available and I will then advise you as to how we propose to progress this matter.
In any case the issue will require to be referred to the Traffic Advisory Group for a recommendation.
I will contact you further as soon as possible.
Esther Hickey,
Administrative Officer.
Tel. 2223679.

From: Noreen Fitzgibbon []
Sent: 31 January 2007 10:34
Subject: FAO Ms. Esther Hickey A.O. Traffic Section

Dear Ms Hickey,

At the Terenure/Rathfarnham Area Committee Meeting of 5th December 2006 the following motion was raised.

"That the Manager design a plan with the Roads Department in South Dublin County and the Roads Department in Dublin City Council to provide for, as soon as possible, a right-hand filter light from St. Agnes Road to Cromwellsfort Road to facilite motorists turning right in safety."

It was agreed that contact would be made with Dublin City  Council as this location is within your Administrative Area.

I would be obliged for your comments and observations on the matter.


Noreen Fitzgibbon

Staff Officer

Roads Department

Ext. 3210



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